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Terrified of WAP, GPRS etc

Guest Will Hay

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Guest Will Hay

I'm a very new user to WAP and have just picked up a SPV E200.

Could someone point me to a site which could explain the basics, I can't seem to get my head round GPRS, WAP etc. and am terrified of using the service and ending up with a massive bill :D

I'm quite naive at this and it's putting me off using the phone to it's full capabilities :lol:

I've just been reading about a free TV listing guide on this site which seems great but figure I have to connect to the internet to update it and fear the cost.

Orange have given me my first month free on orange world and understand I get 3mb free (for £4 per month )but don't really understand this other than I'm paying for data rather than time online.

Do I need to ensure my phone settings are correct, ie. set to GPRS and not WAP?

I'm sorry, I'm rather confused and need a little guidance :P

Many thanks,


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Guest Dr Who

Hi Will,

it is important that you do have your internet settings and the like correctly configured to make sure you are using the right service. I *believe* there is a thread with all the settings you need stated in it, maybe try searching for E200 interent settings, or variations on that. You can also download a freeware GPRS counter so you can see exactly how much data has been through your phone - can't quite remember the name of the program or programs but I am sure somebody will post it for you.

You could also phone Orange and ask them to set it up for you. When I first got my phone I was put through to a very nice lady who helped me configure the phone, made sure it was working and even helped me set it up as a modem for my laptop. Took about an hour though.

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Guest Dr Who

Really, I thought there was a freeware counter by some French dude (the first release was in French) - or was that only compatible with the E100? Might be mistaken though, it is a while back........

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Guest Will Hay

Thanks to you both, things are a little clearer, but only a little :P

Any thoughts as to how easy it is to use this 3mb?

Would it be fair to say I can view more WAP pages than normal (html) pages?

This is where I get confused, if I set my phone to Orange GPRS how come I can acess the orange WAP pages?

I've accessed my hotmail account and also another email account (www.v21.me.uk) so I'm guessing providing I use the GPRS option this is all included as part of my monthly subscription, right?



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Guest ajb3000

WAP and GPRS are different things, you can access WAP over GPRS.

Basically it goes like this, there are two forms of mobile internet, WAP and full HTML, the e200 is capable of viewing both WAP and full HTML pages.

You connect to the internet (be it WAP or HTML) over either CSD or GPRS, CSD is charged for by the second, while GPRS is charged for by the kilobyte. GPRS is much faster than CSD (43.2kbps as opposed to 9.6kbps), and generally cheaper, as most of the time you're reading a page instead of downloading any data. When you connect, in the upper right corner of your screen, by the signal bars, you will see a small G symbol when connected via GPRS or two arrows when connected via CSD.

The only real way to know how much data you're using is with a counter, and the ALL-Locations one is very good, even though you do have to pay for it. You do get a 6 week free trial when you download it from Handango, this will at least give you usage data for your first months bill, allowing you to have an idea of how much data you use doing different things.

Hope that clears things up for you.

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Guest Will Hay

...thank you ajb, that is just the kind of thing I needed and is a big help :P :D :lol::

Thanks, to all.

Will, now the WAP/GPRS expert :D

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Guest Will Hay

Wireless Application Protocol sounds like something from Star Wars,

a real futuristic kinda' thing and General Packet Radio Service sounds like the

sytem they used during WW1 to transit attack orders to troops :P

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Guest Dr Who

3 MB is probably enough for you to use t'internet on your phone on the journey home from work. At least I never managed to get through it checking out the bbc and various and googling about. However when I used it as a modem when my landline died (yes I am still using dialup) I managed to chew through 19 MB. This proved to be rather more expensive than I hoped. Oh, well.

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Guest Will Hay

Rather than create another thread....

....does anyone know how I can change the homepage from orange world to something of my choosing and....

(completely hijacking my own thread) does anyone know how, once I've associated a picture with a caller (ie a photo of my wife pops up on the screen everytime she phones) I remove it?

I've tried deleting the picture form the album but she keeps appearing when she phones!


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Guest Disco Stu

Is the GPRS text warning meant to be standard, because they've never sent me one and I'm always over my allotted mbs.

I don't understand why Orange World is your homepage since when I select IE I get my favourites list up and can choose to go wheresoever I please (usually here as it happens).

As for unassigning Caller ID pics, I think you just have to choose another picture. I could never find where IA was storing the old, supposedly-deleted one :?

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Guest Will Hay

I spoke to Orange yesterday and after asking how I could determine GPRS usage (I know I couldn't freely, I thought I'd throw the question in) she simply said '...you get a text when you get close to the 3mb ceiling'.

I'll post back if I get one, should be any day now :D

Thanks for the note on the caller ID issue, at least I now know it's not something I'm missing :P


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Guest Dr Who

I have been using the service for oooh, about a year now and have NEVER received a text message. Even when I overshot by a huge amount last month. Having been told that I would say go hell for leather on the GPRS and when they don't text you refuse to pay for anything over your allocation and quote the operative. Don't s'pose you got their name did you???

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Guest ajb3000

Get them to add a note to your account saying you were informed about the text, and take their name and extenison number, otherwise they will call you a liar when you try to argue your case.

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Guest Will Hay
Get them to add a note to your account saying you were informed about the text, and take their name and extenison number, otherwise they will call you a liar when you try to argue your case.

I spoke ot Orange again last night and was assured I would get a text as soon as I got close.


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Guest ajb3000

Even so, if you don't get them to add a note saying something to that effect, they will just tell you that that's not the case and argue flat out that they never said anything of the sort and you will have no comeback, and end up having to pay the bill. I nor anyone I know have ever received a text about GPRS usage, so I'd be careful, Orange CS have be real arseholes recently.

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Guest Will Hay

The text is a crock of s***, I've had them add a note to my account stating I was misinformed and told billing I won't be paying for anything over my limit.

We shall see.


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