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E200 no longer recognised by my PC

Guest nonotechno

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Guest nonotechno

Apologies in advance to everyone as I think I remember reading something about this a while ago!!

But here goes:

When I cradle my E200 my pc tells me that the USB device is not recognised. I've tried a few different things to remedy this like reinstalling Activesync, switching to another USB port etc and nothing has worked.

Also, to complicate things further I managed to lose the E200 in question a few days ago and am now the proud owner of a new handset without any numbers on it as I can't get the sync connection to work.

If anyone has the answer/s to this I would be eternally grateful. : :roll:

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Guest JasonKenny

Assuming that you have active sync 3.7 running then just plugging in your new phone via usb/cradle should trigger your pc to ask you whether you want to create a new partnership.

Select share.

It will sync and ask prompt you thjat you've never sync'd with this device before.

for the first time choose to "copy from PC to device"

That works for me.

did it today with new phone


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Guest Toyota-F1.com

I'm not totally sure wot is the problem but u can search for my posts and perhaps the word ActiveSync so u can see wot problem I had and how I overcame them.

Posted from my SmartPhone!

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Guest nonotechno

Activesync doesn't recognise the new phone either, message from XP is "USB device not recognised".

I've updated Activesync ro version 3.7.1 from the Microsoft site and still no joy. The pc can't seem to find the E200 at all.

I've had a look through previous posts about Activesync but haven't managed to find a similar problem anywhere else.

I think the problem must be with the pc rather than the phone as it stopped recognising the old handset and now doesn't see the new one???


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Guest nonotechno


Thanks for your help and I have now managed to fix the problem. For some reason my PC didn't like to use any of the USB ports on the rear of the PC for the E200 and couldn't recognise it in any of them. I finally decided to try the one remaining port on the front of the mini tower as a last resort and it worked perfectly first time. :)

I've obviously angered the pc in some way and it now refuses to uses certain ports. Thanks once again and I can't wait to get my grubby mits on the C500!!


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Guest Kallisti

Anyone have a "better" solution to this? I've retired my old usb hub (got enough ports on my PC for all my kit), and the smartphone refuses to work on them. I'd prefer to fix it than to put the hub back in the mix.

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