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I-Mate ROM and Australian MMS Settings

Guest ex_zero

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Guest ex_zero


I was wondering if anyone in australia has tried the I-Mate ROM and were successful in receiving MMS's, because i'm having trouble accessing MMS. The MMS application has something for me to download, but when I go to download, it doesn't work, doesn't download, and nor can I send. I've downloaded the australian telco settings from O2 Xphone site because the I-Mate ROM does not come with the australian settings. Anyone experiencing this problem, or can help me out?

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Guest DarkMain

I had a very similar problem with my XPhone in New Zealand. I upgraded to the I-Mate rom hoping that would fix it but it didn't.

However the other day I was mucking around with the MMSC settings and made one little change.

Vodafone instructions said to set the Wap Gateway to...

however (...and I don't know why I decided to try this) I removed the starting "0"s from the IP so it looked like this.

within seconds the pxts in my outbox were sent, and now everything is working.

I don't know if this will be of any help to you at all, but its what got it working for me.

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Guest ex_zero

thanks for the info, have tried it last night and it doesn't work still. I'm going to try to flash the xphone to latest O2 ROM and use the phase 2 upgrade to put in the settings.

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