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SPV E200 GPRS connection with laptop

Guest cmc

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I currently use my laptop to access the internet via the Orange GPRS data connection on my SPV E200.

I also have PAYG SIM cards for Vodafone and O2, which I intend to use when out of Orange coverage. I have already set up

GPRS and WAP connections for Vodafone and O2, which appear to work fine on the phone itself.

I'm now trying to connect up from my laptop but am seeing the message "Error 734: The PPP link control protocol was terminated."

I've checked the following:

-- user name and password

-- "Include windows logon domain" checkbox is unchecked

-- "Allow unsecured password"

-- "Enable LCP extensions" checkbox is unchecked

I think the problem is that I'm using "*99#" to dial out and that dials the original connection - i.e. the Orange one - rather than the one that's currently selected on the handset.

I've been looking into PDP contexts, the "AT+CDGCONT?" command and dialling codes of the form "*99***2#", but seem to have hit a dead end. Whilst the phone responds to a few AT commands, it doesn't seem to respond to the context command or the alternative dialling code format.

Has anyone out there any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Guest curryman

I get the same problem, It may connect once out of 20 connections. I have spoken to orange tech help but to no avail. They tell me to enter at commands but this stops even connecting. The connection looks ok, the arrows appear, it passes the password check, just hangs on the registering your computer bit then comes up with the error 734

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Mine seems to connect fairly reliably on Orange. I did have some trouble originally and eventually found (through Orange tech support) that it helps to detach GPRS first (hold down the Home key, then select Detach GPRS from the menu) or, if that doesn't sort things out, switch off and remove the battery for about 20 seconds. I don't think I was seeing error 734 then though.

I did a test with my Orange connection a couple of days ago. First, I checked that I could connect to the Internet from my laptop, then I selected a different data connection on the handset and tried again - still using the Orange SIM card. It connected without a problem, suggesting that the "*99#" dialling code uses the original (Orange GPRS) data connection, rather than the one you select on the handset.

I guess I should try another test in which I edit the Orange GPRS connection instead of selecting a different connection.

In the meantime, I've been searching the phone's files to see if I can find where the connection information is stored. So far, I haven't found it. Any ideas?

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