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new BT GPS seems slow - is this normal?

Guest dynamo

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Recieved my BT GPS today for use with my C500.

I got it connected ok and the phone also routes the voice guidance through my BT headset.

As i've got no experience of GPS i was wandering if it was normal for it to be so slow. For example, when i'm driving about 30-40 mph the mapping software and navigation (mapopolis) is always about 200 meters behind my current position making it not so useful when driving down local roads.

If this is normal lag then fair enough, if not then i need to do some more configuring!



PS my gps reciever is the DConnex DC-230 (basically the Holux GR-230!)

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Guest phishwak

It's not normal - I've got the same setup except for a Globalsat BT GPS and Mapopolis has no problems in keeping up even at 70 mph. At worst it will be about 10 m out but that's a normal margin of error for GPS.

What serial speed is yours set to ?

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Guest phishwak

In theory 4800 should be fine (GPS serial traffic isn't that heavy is it ?) but mine's set to 38400.

Don't want to send you off on the track in case it's not anything to do with the serial speed but maybe worth a try changing it ? Any info in your GPS manual ?

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The manual doesn't have anything about use with smartphones but in its setup on the PPC they set it to 4800...

Actually, until now my gps wasn't getting a fix when on my window ledge and was only working in open ground. But i was just messing with the connection and its suddenly started getting a fix while indoors sitting on my desk :) Maybe it has matured or something! I'll try it out again tomorrow and will definitely try changing the baud rate.

Thanks for your help


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