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Guest mas99

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The C500, thought a great phone has all the appearance of being a white elephant as far as Orange retail go.

There are still no accessories available (ie: Cases, Mobile adaptors, Spare Chargers or Mini SD cards)

Even the Orange Web site have no accessories listed for the SPV.

:idea: Come On Orange what about some decent product support !!!!! :idea:

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Guest zippy172

I think they are more interested in just shitfting the boxes out the door in the shops... I was in the Orange shop on Saturday while my better half upgraded her ye olde GD87e to a Nok6600 (against my better recommendation concerning a substantially better choice to be had with a proper smartphone), and I must've seen at least 5 people walk out with one.. In fact, while we were waiting for one of the sales geezers to process the upgrade, some old dude walked into the shop with a C500 asking how on earth you get it to dial the answer phone when you hold down the '1' key... I helped him out as best I could, but could I remember the damned hidey place for the setting :|

Anyways, there are plenty of third party accessories to be had on eBay for the C500...just need to sniff them out :)

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Its a bit chicken and egg - more egg than chicken really.

They release a new phone, If it sells a lot = Orange gets lots of accessories for it.

If the new phone flops and no-one buys it = Don't get lots of accessories for it.

Hopefully the C500 is going to be a big seller so decent accessories will appear over the next few months.

I was speaking to a geezer at Orange this morning and he thinks a proper official car kit should be available December(ish), similar with a Keyboard.

Not the way we want it but the way of the world.

Who knows, maybe the Mini USB connector will become some sort of standard and lots of phones and accessories will use it.

I got to go, there is a pig flying past my window and I want a closer look.

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