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HELP---My p.c. won't start up!

Guest ivor biggun

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Guest ivor biggun

I'm sure there must be someone on here that can point me in the right direction on this one. Each morning when i start up my computer from cold the green power light comes on and the main fan in the power unit starts but thats it. After several atempts ( at least thirty each time!) it will boot up and then run fine all day and even re-start properly. I've been told to increase the virtual memory as this apparently helps starting so i've stuck another memory stick in but that has made no difference. I've also been told that there are 'cold start' settings somewhere in the bios settings but i'm not brave enough to bugger around with them unless i'm 100% sure that will sort it. Thanks in advance for any answers :?

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You need to pull the cover off and check for any loose cables / cards / plugs etc... All the advice you have been given so far sounds like rubbish to me. You either have a loose connection or maybe a faulty PSU / mobo at the outset!

PS be cautious and take static precautions when fiddling inside your PC!

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Have a similar problem on a desktop - on first bootup the motherboard announces that the CPU has a problem, on pressing reset it boots. Never figured it out, unfortunately.

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Could be a "dry joint" (?? incorrect terminology perhaps ??).

As the PC is on and heats up, the solder connections on the motherboard (probably) heat up and expand slightly. Which ever one is faulty then connects and all is ok.

Alternatively - as mentioned above - it could just be a faulty power supply unit. You can get a new one for about £30.

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Guest EricJohn

I think the problem will be with any loose cabels or something else. There is nothing like a computer wont get started in the cold mornings. So what all have told to u i think are rubbish and useless.U can go t the BIOS with out any fear. only thing is that when u make any change in the settings think Twice before u save that settings or else u can change anything in ur bios if u want to see what all options are there in that dont save the bios settings if ur not sure that u have selected the right thing. Now coming to ur problem see if the Power supply is ok and all the cables are fixed properly.

Hope that u can find a solution for ur problem.All the best ^_^

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Guest element

Yea, all that advice is crap. I have a slightly similar problem, although it only takes me a few attempts of turning everything off at the mains before I get it working. I know its the power supply, it was only cheap, but havn't got round to replacing it yet. I would say that is definatly in the top few list of things it could be. See if you can swap the power supply with someone elses to test, if it all works fine straight away then thats the problem.

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Guest Samsonite

i would agree with the dry joint theory. I dont think its a BIOS issue. If it eventually fires up, the BIOS settings are ok.. I have never come across a BIOS/Temp setting that would prevent a machine powering up... My old grandad used to tell me that software dont go rusty and i would apply to BIOS too!! I have a machine that is temperental in the heat and the cold but once at 'normal' room temp, all is fine.

If the dry joint is the problem, best of luck finding it!!! needle in a haystack!!!

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Guest ivor biggun

Cheers for all the help, i'm 99% sure it's my psu but seeing as i'm well overdue a major upgrade i will put up with it untill next Thursday (payday :wink: ) then get shopping for a new fancy case with psu and a nice motherboard/cpu combination ^_^

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Guest mike-oh

Yeah, i'll vouch for ebuyer too. Cheap as chips and v prompt. I bought 15m of RJ45 cable off them for about £2.50!!! Ask dixons for the same amount but be prepared to point and laugh as they quote about £20 or somat!

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Guest ivor biggun

I've been looking all over the place- ebuyer, aria and advance tec are about the cheapest i've found. I'm after a amd 64 bit 2800 processor, a new mother board ( foxconn k8s760mg) and silver dvd and floppy drives to match the fancy case! I'll also need fans, cables ect. I'm keeping my original hard drive (maxtor diamond 8 80gb) but not sure if i need a new graphics card or if mine will be compatible, it a nvidia geforce2 gts/pro and it cost me a fortune when i bought it about two years ago so if any knows if this will be compatilble with the mother board let me know ^_^

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Guest mike-oh

hmmm, geforce 2 will definitely be getting long in the tooth now me thinks, pro or otherwise. Best way to find out how well it works is to download 3dmark from www.futuremark.com. There's 3 versions 2001se, 2003 and 2005. You would probably find that it does well on 2001se, runs a couple of tests on 2003 and might even fail to run 2005 altogether.

As for compatibility, i would be suprised if it didn't run on your new Mobo, just badly.

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Guest element

Yeah... I know what its like having to upgrade a graphics card that you spent so much on only a few years before. But even my nVidia GeForce 4 is struggling a bit now, so I reccomend an upgrade. Get some very cheap cards, well under £100 on ebuyer.

The card will 100% work on any new motherboard though.

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when looking for new hardware i always check it on www.pcindex.co.uk it lists the main uk online suppliers (including ebuyer who ive used loads and only had problems when dealing with their customer services when a motherboard broke)

the graphics card will be compatable with all apart from the very new intel pentium 4 motherboards which now se PCI express instead of AGP, and soon nforce4 powered motherboards will start to be released, alsoo using PCI express

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Guest mike-oh
the graphics card will be compatable with all apart from the very new intel pentium 4 motherboards which now se PCI express instead of AGP

Hehehe mine should be ariving in a couple of days time :twisted:

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