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Creating my first homescreen

Guest otacon

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Hi. I am creating my first homescreen. I was just wondering how do I place my plugins at the positions that I want? Example, if I want the clock plugin to be right at the bottom, how do I do that? Thanks.

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Guest gpcarreon (MVP)

Hi otacon ^_^

If you have Smartphone2003 device, Homescreen Designer will make the task easier for you. Check this link:


On SP2002...edit your XML then look for


<time fgcolor="#000000" font-size="18" font-weight="bold" mode="12" halign="right" y="145" x="0"/>

<date fgcolor="#000000" font-size="14" mode="long" halign="right" y="162" x="0"/>


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Guest scott2eyes
Hi. I am creating my first homescreen. I was just wondering how do I place my http://smartphone.modaco.com/viewtopic.php?t=714>plugins at the positions that I want? Example, if I want the clock plugin to be right at the bottom, how do I do that? Thanks.

If you want to get your hands dirty (so to speak) with the XML coding, then the first thing you need to know is that each plugin on the homescreen is like a horizontal bar- the phone draws the first plugin at the top of the screen, then the next one immediately beneath it. So if you want the clock plugin to be at the bottom of the screen, you need to make sure that the plugins above it take up enough space to leave the clock where you want it. Use the h="number" parameter to set the height of each plugin.

There are two ways to position the information within the plugin itself- either use the "halign" (horizontal align) or "valign" (vertical align)- eg halign="center", valign="bottom" etc. Alternatively, if you want pixel-perfect positioning, use x and y coordinates (eg. x="20" will start 20 pixels along from the left, y="20" will start 20 pixels down from the top of the plugin.)

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I have tried using homescreen designer. The only problem was, how about custom plugins? Example, I want to include the biorhythm plugin, but there is no place there that I can insert the plugin. Can advice?

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