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Smartphone antivirus released

Guest Lojt

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yes, basic ones would be very easy to make and mess your phone up, ring people, send itsselth by bluetooth etc, not good!

even worse the smarphone is not powerfull to run a background scanner without comprimising performance, never mind ey, if the worst comes to the worst the phone company SHOULD protect you from calls incurred ( as this is fraud) and hopefully they might replace your phone too.

its just a shame people are thinking about this!

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yes, basic ones would be very easy to make and mess your phone up, ring people, send itsselth by bluetooth etc,

How do you come to this conclusion? Please share... :?:

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PLEASE DONT DO THE BELOW fozzie asked the question

at a most basic level, any shortcut and button presses can be programed in xml, so if you made a script that can call a premium rate number (via simulated button presses) followed by pressing the home screen, you would be making a call and would not even know it unless you had a good look or by chance,

now all you need is a program to start the above at time and intervals that runs in the background, again would be very simple to program.

now to get the two files onto the phone, incorporate them into a installer for another program and post it on modaco. that way the you would appear to be what you expected. oh and make sure the program to call the xml code is in the start folder.

that is the most basic that most people with any programming knowledge could achieve! (not good)

but with more knowledge, programs could be made like mobiluck without the GUI that send rubbish to everyone nearby and the sends its selth to other smartphones!

Anything that you can do with your phone normally, can be done without your knowlege by a virus!

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Ok, knock one up and I'll give it a go... You did say it was all very basic and simple yeah?

Dont waste my time!

It would be easy, even u could do it EDIT: actually probly you couldnt .

but dont do it here, if you really want to pis# people off by making viruses for smartphones, do it somewhere else!

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Guest awarner [MVP]

You are forgetting the security levels on the phone which you do not

have access to even after application unlocking.

Unlike symbian (which viruses are known) you would need to be able to access the radio part of the phone to enable it to call out.

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No, don't YOU waste mine and everyone elses time by posting a complete load of unsubstantiated rubbish. If it was so easy, then do you not think that such a 'virus' would exist already? There are several basic errors in your 'method' but I'll leave it to those that know what they're talking about to point them out, if they can be bothered.

You said it was 'easy'; you said it was 'basic'; heck, you've now exposed to the world how it can be done. Run for cover everyone... rush out and buy anti-virus software for your smartphone... Don't make me laugh :-#

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There are several basic errors in your 'method' but I'll leave it to those that know what they're talking about to point them out, if they can be bothered.

i dont claim to be a virus or smartphone programmer, its the logic i am pointing out. unless you point the errors out your claims are unsubstantiated and also a waste of time to read/post.

You said it was 'easy'; you said it was 'basic';
Your obviously not a programmer by trade, the logic is simple ane theirfore would be easy to program providing you know the language used

heck, you've now exposed to the world how it can be done. Run for cover everyone... rush out and buy anti-virus software for your smartphone... Don't make me laugh  :-#

lol, your the only one that is intrested in how to make a virus here, from what i have seen on modaco. we just better be carefull not to download anything you post.

You are forgetting the security levels on the phone which you do not

have access to even after application unlocking.

Unlike symbian (which viruses are known) you would need to be able to access the radio part of the phone to enable it to call out.

This is reassuring for owe phone bill at least, :lol:

the issue still is open for bluetooth and a virus using other programs already found on the phone to access the calls :wink:

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Stop trying to dodge the issue and prevent yourself from looking completely stupid, which I fear may be too late.

You're the one that said it is easy to do, but now claming that it should be easy. I think you'll find that there's a world of difference between 'is' and 'should'. Likewise, any fool can come up with the logic of how they think a virus could work but then there's a huge difference between some ultra high level logic and then actually implementing it in the real world.

I'm not interested in the slighest about how to write a virus. Your very short memory has already forgotten that it was me that asked you to come up with one and send it to me, given how easy and basic you claim it to be. Then I will know that the threat is real and I might consider parting with some hard earned cash.

You don't claim to be a programmer? So in your PM to me you didn't say "....i decided now i am programming..."

Keep digging NIGHTMARE.

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Stop trying to dodge the issue and prevent yourself from looking completely stupid, which I fear may be too late.
Read the below and you will find it is you that is looking stupid not me.

You're the one that said it is easy to do, but now claming that it should be easy.  I think you'll find that there's a world of difference between 'is' and 'should'.  Likewise, any fool can come up with the logic of how they think a virus could work but then there's a huge difference between some ultra high level logic and then actually implementing it in the real world.

Where did i say should in relation to making a virus, i think you will find that i said it would be easy!

I'm not interested in the slightest about how to write a virus.  Your very short memory has already forgotten that it was me that asked you to come up with one and send it to me, given how easy and basic you claim it to be.  

I think you will find your memory is going, don’t you remember asking for information on how it would be done, if not just scroll up :lol:

You don't claim to be a programmer?  So in your PM to me you didn't say "....i decided now i am programming..."

You obviously cant read! I said i was not a virus or Smartphone programmer, I am a programmer and get paid a fortune for it.

Keep digging NIGHTMARE.

Is this the best you can do, try your best to slag every post i write, and find your actually wrong every time. I suggest that you actually read the and understand them before replying in future.

I did a google of fozzie to see what people have to say about you and their at the top was this(http://bunny-butt.tripod.com/fozzie.htm), thought it might be a pis# take of you!


You are starting to get annoying. I don’t make a habit of throwing derogatory comments towards people but as fozzie is, I feel I have to stand up for beliefs, so sorry for boring everyone else.

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Im sorry to say this argument is not contributing in a positive way to this thread. You may have different view but this thread has descended into a row rather than a productive discussion.

Please play nice and address your posts to everyone rather than each other.

To drag this thread back on topic:

I think the people behind this application are playing on fears. They are charging alot of money for a program that basically wont do anything at the minute. I for one will not be buying this application.

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I think the people behind this application are playing on fears. They are charging alot of money for a program that basically wont do anything at the minute. I for one will not be buying this application.

Exactly. But there's always a bunch of people that are quite happy to perpetuate mis-information without having a clue what they are talking about, falsely increasing peoples fears so they go out and needlessly purchase this sort of software. I do know that it's not going to be me though, but there's plenty of mugs out there with more money than sense.

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Oh! :shock: I found a link to this virus checker thing somewhere else ... can't even remember now where I found it. But I ended up at the company's own website, where it said that this app was available free to home/single users. I tried to download it, and there was some kind of mess up with paypal asking for $0.01 or something... anyway, I emailed them to ask about the free copy, and I've just recieved a link to download the app for free! :D

Except after reading all the mad scare mongery in this thread ( :lol: ), I'm s**t scared to install it in case it gives me a virus!! ;)

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well, the app works well. it didnt find any viruses obviously, but if this is kept up to date, then it'll be a nifty little thing if/when a virus does come out. Posted from my SmartPhone!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest usdiver
Direct download here. :)


I have seen this program on handango.com Is it ok? and can it be downloaded directly from this site onto the spv e200 or do you have to put it onto the pc first? and then, is it a good program to have? thanks

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