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Homescreen Layout Question

Guest theodotcom

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Guest theodotcom

I've made a homescreen in Homescreen Designer, however i want to add the smartmonitor plugin so i took the xml file off the phone, i "borrowed" the smartmonitor plugin code from another homescreen to see how it works, however how can i define whereabout on the homescreen these icons will appear. The are x and y coordinates but these dont seem to tell me much. can anyone help


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The icons/values etc for any plugin can only appear within the boundaries of the plugin itself. (a plugin can have varying size settings ranging from hidden when not used (eg 'missed call plugin), autoexpand and fixed height.

The x and y dictate the coordintes of the item's location within the plugin.

x=pixels from the left hand side

y=pixels from the top edge

ie x=0,y=0 would place the item in the top left hand corner.

hope this helps

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The plugin begins right after the bottom of the preceding one and has a height (measured from the top down) that is specified in the code...


<plugin clsid="{AAEC6C66-F860-4513-8966-1FE9FA678987}" height="20">

The width can also be controlled (you can actually have plugins wider than the screen to hide things) but I think the default is full screen width.

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Guest Skunkchild

You can also use the spacer plugin to create gaps between the plugins. I find this is easier than changing the height of the plugins in order to fill the screen.

Just make sure it all adds up to 200 pixels if you don't want to run off the bottom of one screen.

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