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is there limit to # of themes? (some not showing up!)

Guest Mantra

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Is there a limit to the number of themes you can put on a smartphone?

I know I have too many, but put a bunch that interested me on the phone, then figured I'll try them out, decide which ones I really like.

Problem is, I've discovered some don't show up when I go to Settings>Home Screen.

I've got 21 themes installed, there is a xx.home.xml file for each in

StorageApplication DataHome, but only 14 of them show up in the

selection list.

Is 14 the limit?

The names of the ones missing are a bit long, might that be a problem?

Here's the ones that don't show up:








I'm pretty sure the kl1wdr themes showed up yesterday, before I added a couple of new ones last night, which would fit with the limit theory.

Also, where are the default themes - Cingular, Windows Simple, etc?

I haven't looked but I'm guessing they're in the windows directory?



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Guest Disco Stu

You're right about the last bit, and I suspect you may have found a new bug in Settings.

We already knew that Add/Remove Programs had an upper limit so perhaps you've found the Homescreen limit. Only way to find out is to remove some of those you can see and see if those on the list above reappear.


Maybe when you've done that, you could see what the ringtone limit is :wink:

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