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New vesion of All-Explorer 2.5.10 [see p4]

Guest Hax

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Do you still have the installation file - I'd be interested to see if it's any different to the one I downloaded. Perhaps you cuold PM me if you are willing to e-mail it to me and I'll PM you my e-mail address - although I suppose you could just look it up if you wanted :)


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Guest ClintEastman

IF HTC write the required hardware drivers for Canary / Tanager. This is a big if! Currently the only drivers would be for the reference handset - the Compal / Red-E handset. Ozone still has functionality to fully lock as in SP2002, it just has an additional option from locked and unlocked.


PS Running All Explorer 2.5.10 no problems on my unlocked phone :)

I was talking from a Hardware point of view, of course the proper HALs would have to be written, but I don’t believe that HTC would leave the Canary/Tanager platform out in the cold once 2003 is out, they seem to be doing a good job of getting it around. And remember that there is a large sub by O on the SPV, so if O can get people to stick to there current hardware it means bigger profits for them! (And we know O like profits) :wink:

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Guest ajb3000

Paul, could you send me the file please? I've already paid for ALL-Explorer and hence have a username and code, all i need is the updated app!!

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Guest spacemonkey

You should also have an email from handango from when you originally bought it which should let you log back into handango and get the new version (as per IAs instructions)

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Guest ajb3000

I decerted, then ran the UK update and it recerted my phone, so I decerted again after the UK update.

BTW. It can't really do anything Smart Explorer can't already do, plus Smart Explorer is free!

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Cheers for the info - that's another theory out the window. I too decerted before the update, had my phone recert and then had to decert once more after the update.

Hmmmm... seems there's something seriously screwed up here!


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Guest ajb3000

When you decerted, what did you do with the extra line in the .prov file that wasn't in the pre-update?

I removed it so I just had the 3 lines.

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Yeah - nice thought tho'

I'll probably try yet another hard reset tonight to determine if it really is a problem with my phone (somehow!) or a problem with the stuff I've got installed or the order I installed it all!

Obviously, I'll check here first to make sure no one's come up with the solution :)


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No, it's not recerted itself - all other apps DivX viewer, smartexplorer, registry editor, etc..... *all* work!

Oh well - unless all-location support team find the problem, I'll probably just do a hard-reset, try installing all-explorer fresh and then try decerting. If all-explorer works woo-hoo. If not, then I'll have wasted 20 minutes of my time. But must get to the bottom of this - buggin me now :)

Also, can't have tomorrow being like today where I just keep getting e-mail notifications of updates to my post and then spend the whole day on here! Bosses won't be happy if no work gets done ;)


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Guest ajb3000

Well, we both decerted the same way, mine works, his doesn't :s

One other thing hax, did you uninstall the original version first, then install the new one? Also did you install it to the phones memory?

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ajb: Initially, I let all-explorer do the install itself (app wouldn't run). Then reinstalled old version and then later thought that maybe I should uninstall the previous version myself and then install - that failed too :)

Oh well.....

v1nn1e: If you bought all-explorer, you are entitled to the upgrade - however, it has issues and has been pulled from the Handango website for the time being.

In a rush to get away from work today and forgot to send myself the updated version of all-explorer so will have to wait until I get into work tomorrow to try it.



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Guest kingbing
Thinks it's up to O (or HTC) to decide what to release to who and when.

MS just release the platform builder and other related tools and the developers then create their own platforms contains when elements they want.

....I think?


Does that mean we could download platform builder, and, using the drivers from our SPVs, create a new ROM image? Which might, purely for the sake of argument, be missing certain locking restrictions?

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Right then - experiment complete.....

Here's what I've done this morning:

1) Hard reset phone, rebooted and installed *new* version of all-explorer. Did not work due to previously stated cert. problem.

2) Hard reset phone, rebooted and decerted using Will's app and then installed *new* version of all-explorer. Still did not work. Verified decert using the MS remote display PC control app which is *not* certifed and *did* run fine.

So, the upshot of it all is that on some phones all-explorer works, on others it doesn't and it has nothing to do with any other software that you have installed on your phone or the state of your phones decertification.

So, can someone who *has* managed to get the *new* version of all-explorer please confirm that they are running the same software as me:

Smartphone with UK update.

MS Smartphone 2002 - version 3.0 (build 12255)

Radio version 1.24.00



MS: 3.0.12255.0


File System: 3.0.12255.0

This info is from settings->about and I know that some of these version numbers are the same and probably didn't need to be included, but just in case :)

I'm now resiged to knowing that we'll have to wait for all-loactions to fix the bug, but we may be able to help them narrow it down a little.....


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Just to let you all know, I've just installed the "fixed" version of all-explorer (we should have all received the new release notification) and it does indeed now work - on my phone at least :)

So, unless anyone has any problems, this thread should die a death ;)

Still don't know what was causing the problems though do we?? Would be interesting to know - maybe I'll write and ask them :D

Thanks for all your help and feedback folks,


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