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Remove certification requirement from the SPV

Guest Third_of_Five

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Arisme > i just HAVE to be the first to ask the stupid question :-P , the certificate solution you just shown us, it needs the hard reset exploit , right ?

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Guest sam2380

another silly question but.. to remove certification, do you have to do it each time you start your phone? or once you upload the xml it is there until you hardreset it again?


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Guest MrSpoons

Paul - which versions of the game did you get? any chance of links?

just tried mytools - installs fine but can't get it to run

also tried a pocket pc version of pacman - runs ok but needs a stylus

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Guest MrSpoons

same here - tried the jimmy software site and theres no sign of smartphone games anywhere

does anyone have that pacman game that was on handango for free a while back?

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Guest awarner [MVP]

It works!! It works!! It works!! ;) :lol: :lol:

After a bit of grief it finaly worked. I think I was just being impatient.

The first time I could not re-install All-explorer But now I can :D

One thing I did notice all my games do not need re-installing so I'm just going to place some shorcuts and away I go :D

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Guest Dan East
Aww, Pocket Quake: "ERROR: No hardware timer available"

The basic story here (as mentioned before) is that you'll have to live with the fact that only software developed for smartphone will work for smartphone...  Quake does manage to load the opening screen, but then the environment just lacks the required resources...

If I had access to this hardware, and if it has enough RAM, then I'm pretty sure I could tweak Pocket Quake to run properly.

Also, I would really be surprised if Pocket PC games would run properly, unless a special version of gx.dll was created that would resize the display on-the-fly (which would hurt performance).

Dan East

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Guest Smiffy99

Just to say "Well done" guys and thanks. However, just one quick question -

Not being into development myself, I will have to wait fro apps to become available to use. Links to sites etc would be V good!

Also, is this "Fix" (I will not call it a crack as it's not in my opinion) liable to be removed by an update or is it possible for it to be removed by an update?

The reason I ask is that I do not have the time (or truthfully, the confidence yet) to implement it but I am concerned that if I wait too long for the apps to appear, by the time I am ready to "Fix" the phone they (Orange) will have prevented the fix from working!

Any ideas?

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Blimey, it worked first time. Yay. Ahh, the temptation to knock out code instead of revising for fridays exams is nearly overpowering... ;) Lets hope Orange just disable first tier protection on the phone - most apps don't use radio after all..

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We definately need a list of stuff we can now run ;) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR THIS AMAZING PIECE OF INFOMATION :lol: PHM REGITSRY EDITOR NOW WORKS :lol: amazing i got it first time too! now i have to re-do all my settings :D small price to pay :D

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well, after using an hour on this (not so) little exploit i learned that i was either dumb or too fast

the instructions tells you this :

14) Once you're into the blue smartphone logo screen, wait a few seconds and put the phone in it's cradle.

15) Activesync should see the phone after about 20 seconds. Once it's made it's connection, copy the two PROVXML files into the /windows explorer window you had open

16) Wait a while

when my activesync didn't connect until AFTER the blue loadscreen was gone and the home screen was show i thought it was too late and started over

16) Wait a while

it worked when i allowed it to, i isnt too late when the home screen shows, i think it works, i can run Turjah so .....

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Guest Monolithix [MVP]

Not had time tonite :/, just installing the EVC++ environment now and the sp2k2 sdk. Think i might be takin my docking station into work with me tomoro heheh, then just to try and remember the little C i know and try to learn some C++ ;)

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Might be a good idea to clean this one up paul start with the post going through the exact steps required, well only if you like of course! An app list would be nice and i dont spose yourd share those games paul i supose that wouldnt be legal, i kept the pacman game however i ran it and guess, "THIS APPLICATION HAS EXPIRED", oh well!

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Guest magic_peanuts

having the same problem as antlane. downloaded mytools, I have the clock by the battery indicator but nothing happens when I press and hold the record button, any ideas???

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Guest magic_peanuts

Being the incredibly impatient person I am, does anyone have a working version of mytools on their SPV, and a spare 5 mins to upload the .cab file to a suitable location?? Many thanks

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my fone strangely did a half-hearted hard reset this morning after being off on charge over night with no wanring it didnt remove anything just reset the registry, weird.

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