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Windows Mobile Futures details removed

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Unfortunately we have removed our 'Windows Mobile Futures' post, as per an e-mail sent to Paul [MVP], MoDaCo founder.


Demand for Immediate Take-Down: Notice of Infringing Activity

URL: removed

CASE #: removed

18 January 2005

Dear Sir or Madam,

It has come to Microsoft's attention that your website includes material which is in violation of Microsoft's intellectual property rights. Content currently residing within your computer system infringes on the trademark rights of Microsoft Corporation and constitutes an unauthorized activity relating to Microsoft computer programs.  Moreover, the material contains proprietary trade secret information belonging to Microsoft.  I am authorized to act on behalf of Microsoft in this matter.

The infringing materials residing on your system are the screen shots of Microsoft Windows Mobile 2005 available at the following location:


Posting of Microsoft’s proprietary trade secret information as described above is not authorized by Microsoft, any of its agents, or by law.  We request that you immediately take steps to remove this material from your website.  If you do not act expeditiously to remove access to the infringing material, you may otherwise be liable for trademark infringement, trade secret misappropriation, and/or other remedies at law, including civil and criminal penalties.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please advise us regarding what actions you take.

Yours sincerely,


Internet Investigator

on behalf of Microsoft Corporation

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052

United States of America

E-mail: removed



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Guest Paul [MVP]
A friendly "please remove" would have worked in my book especially as MoDaCo is well known to MS :D

Well technically someone from within MS had already done that, but I was not comfortable about censoring a user's post in that way without being able to justify my actions as shown above.

Reasonable I thought.. of course, would have been totally different if I personally had posted the info...


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Guest awarner [MVP]
Is 'expeditiously' a real word ?  :?:


And it's mentioned the the old Stallone film Oscar

EDIT yes I know it's sad but I like the lesser known films :D

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Guest Disco Stu

And it's mentioned the the old Stallone film Oscar


You should consider going on Millionaire with trivia recall like that ! :shock:

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Guest awarner [MVP]
You should consider going on Millionaire with trivia recall like that !  :shock:

Only if the questions include MoDaCo members, their avatars and posts :D

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Guest davidhorn

I can't see how posting a screenshot is breaking a copyright law. The press are entitled to publish pictures snapped from behind a fence etc. Would be different if you'd posted the source code to Windows Mobile though...

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Guest Chaser81

I guess its in case any other OS writers decide to model the graphics of their next OS on Windows Mobile 2005.... Seems a bit extreme though if you ask me.

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Guest nickcornaglia
'Internet Investigator'... that sounds like a cool job :D



Isnt that what I do everyday??? Except with me they call it "web-surfer"

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And it's mentioned the the old Stallone film Oscar

EDIT yes I know it's sad but I like the lesser known films :D


Also used in Lean On Me with Morgan Freeman (not that we all needed to know that).

But I would think that Microsoft would be ok with a few images about their up-and-coming ROM since it will entice people to begin saving and looking for it.

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Guest chucky.egg
I wanna be an Internet investigator!! I wonder if they get trilbys and trench-coats and cool badges!!


Hey yeah, and little Dick Tracy watches!

Where do we sign up?

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Guest Kallisti

On the subject of whether it's legal or not to show images of the 2005 ROM, it probably is. However, MS being what it is could easily cripple an individual and certainly their website through the courts. It's a pity, but I don't blame Paul for folding.

Could probably consider a legal counter attack based on the fact that MS were using the courts "with menace" though :D I'm sure the photos alone must have been worth a few hundred grand income, or not.

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Guest Chaser81

I can see the headlines now: "Windows Mobile Website Sues Microsoft!"

I think if that happened Paul would probably not keep his MvP status much longer and wouldnt get any more invites to Mobius!! :-"

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