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T9 menu delay

Guest ulrikhansen

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Guest ulrikhansen


Im a weekold newbie in the SPV world, but learning quickly...

I'm past all the homescreen stuff (just installing, designing will be later) and I've searched the forum without finding an answer to a few questions.

Here goes...

Is there a registry key to change the delay in the word suggestion drop menu when texting using the T9 dictionary...

When I'm writing and have to chose another word I have to pause and wait for the men top pop up before I can start using the joystick.

It might just be the phone that is slow, but in case anyone knows differently, I'd like to know...

Thanks, Ulrik

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Guest scott2eyes

Not really the answer you were looking for, but pressing down on the joystick seems to make the menu pop up for me; you don't have to wait for the list to appear.

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Guest ulrikhansen
Not really the answer you were looking for, but pressing down on the joystick seems to make the menu pop up for me; you don't have to wait for the list to appear.


Yeah I know, that's sort of the problem. It's almost the same as on SE phones, except that you're a step behind all the time cause you have to press down first. Even on a slow SE phone, when you press down the menu appears AND the curser moves to the second choice. On my SPV, the first joypress makes the menu pop and the second takes me to the second choice... I want to eliminate that first press somehow.

Bu thanks anyway..


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