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.hme .cab or .exe?

Guest Pigo

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I make homescreens myself.

and what I usually do is take a finished theme and replace the XML files and the images with my own.

This works great for me (well it used to I haven't unlocked my C500 yet) but what if I want to share my themes/homescreens with others?

I'd love to make an installer, but I don't know how. I don't have programming knowledge just some HTML & XML stuff I know.

so is there anybody that can help me get an easy way to create an installer. maybe somebody has a standard file that I just need to alter every time I make a new theme.

Hope sombody can help me.


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Making a cab file is fairly easy - it is juts a case of getting a file from one cab installer & changing the nales of images & xml's to refer to your own.There was a copy of one somewhere on the board but I have attached one of mine that includes the extra screens. It's just a case of making an inf file in notepad. You just need to work your way through it changing all the file names for your own. Make sure you change the names of directories too. Then you need cabwizsp from the SDK, which you run from the command point.

Let me know if you need any help!


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Thank you very very very very very very (should I go on?.... no I'll stop) very much.

the changing the .inf file is no problem... when I do that just put it in a cab file together with all the images and bada boom bada bang??

and I've never used that cabwiszp or something before but I think I have the SDK somewhere. and if not I'll download it.

Thank you for your help... I'll let you know when I finish my first screen.


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Ok I've altered all xml and inf files.

now for the cab part. what do I need to make a cab?

I've got the SDK but theres something about visual basic and embedded C++ 4.0 so I'm a bit confused here.

Like I said I'm not a programmer so I don't know much about these things but willing to learn.


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Guest MoRFLeZ

Check in the FAQ or the Articles area .. I think it was Richie who made an excellent cab walkthrough.

After installing the SDK it's just a matter of finding the folder with CabWizSP and draggeing the inf-file on top of it! It will create the cab for ya!

But take a look at the walkthough, it's quite helpful!

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I've tried dragging and dropping it on the cabwizsp. no luck!

But a DrBlow helped me out on this one... just don't have the time right now to try it... tommorow morning I'll have another go. but thank you for the reaction. I will definatly look for that walkthrough.


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