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Gapless looped tones - w3 removed

Guest cus

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I'm a happy owner of an SPV-C500, and thought I'd convert some of my dj loops into WMA files to use as ringtones.

I followed midnight's instructions to get seamless loops and changed the following registry key:

Key: HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\Ringtone0\

Value Name: Script

Old Data: apw3r

New Data: apr

I'm still getting a small gap - not much (1/10th second), but enough to ruin the loop.

I've tried loops of differing sizes in case that was the issue - 1 is 160KB, the other is 11.6KB. Same problem with both. The loops play fine in Adobe Audiot/CoolEdit.

Any ideas?

Cheers :)

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Worked out what it was - since .wma ringtones need to be uncompressed on the fly there seems to be a slight pause when the ringtone is started. Saved my loops as PCM wavs rather than wma files and I got seamless loops.

Guess I'll have to revisit the loops I've just posted in the ringtone section :roll:

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