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what the heck is my MPX doing!#@^%$ (pic)

Guest gt500916

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Guest gt500916

Ok i get up this morning and my cell phone is off, that never happens. I was playing with it the night before and put in a few reminders before i went to bed. I then tried to turn my cell phone on and it wouldnt turn on, so then i put the cell on the charging stand and let it sit for a while and it turned on then while it was still sitting and charging then it decided to just turn off, i tried turning it on again but it would not go further then the smartphone 2002 screen and then turn off ... i kept trying and trying

so then i put it on the charging stand again and let it sit , then i noticed it was doing something weird on the external screen

notice the second picture has dotted boxes compared to the first pic... so it seemed like it was transfering something or i dont know, and whats up with that weird icon on the screen??

anybody ever had this happen before or any idea whats going on or am i doomed and need a new MPX200?

i also tried to hardreset the phone but it again get to the smartphone 2002 screen and shut off again!!

virus on the phone? since when lol



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Dude, welcome to the wonderful world of the MPx200 battery! The icon you are seeing is just the phone's way of saying, "Thank you for filling my battery!"

OK, I love my MPx200, but it has it's flaws, many flaws. One is the short duration of the battery life. It's pretty poor. When it's almost dead, it may try to boot, but will give odd results and often hangs or shuts off.

I've never metered it, but from what I've seen, the boot sequence seriously drains the battery. If I have to reboot with less than 2 bars remaining on the battery icon it usually fails or conks out a very short time later.

An additional, really important thing to remember is that the phone's battery life is inversely proportional to the strength of the signal it is receiving. If you spend much of the day, or night, in an area with low or no signal, the battery will be dead in no time. Don't waste your time charging it in an area of weak reception while the phone is on. Turn it off and charge it up, then turn it on.

Last but not least, the display, and the radio use much of the current that can be provided via the USB port, so if the phone is nearly dead, and you are trying to charge it, turn it off, then leave it connected when you reboot.

Hope this is helpful.

PS: This is the Mpc220 part of the Site. The MPx200 has it's own section. If you find it, you will find lots of advise about the odd things taht MPx200's do. Try searching the section for earlier posts.



Ok i get up this morning and my cell phone is off, that never happens. I was playing with it the night before and put in a few reminders before i went to bed. I then tried to turn my cell phone on and it wouldnt turn on, so then i put the cell on the charging stand and let it sit for a while and it turned on then while it was still sitting and charging then it decided to just turn off, i tried turning it on again but it would not go further then the smartphone 2002 screen and then turn off ... i kept trying and trying

so then i put it on the charging stand again and let it sit , then i noticed it was doing something weird on the external screen

notice the second picture has dotted boxes compared to the first pic... so it seemed like it was transfering something or i dont know, and whats up with that weird icon on the screen??

anybody ever had this happen before or any idea whats going on or am i doomed and need a new MPX200?

i also tried to hardreset the phone but it again get to the smartphone 2002 screen and shut off again!!

virus on the phone? since when lol




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