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Mini sd card doesn't want to stay in

Guest arogntbastrd

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Guest arogntbastrd

I was reading the mini sd card problems thread and felt this was a seperate issue. My phone reads the card great when the card's all the way in. The only problem is it seems like my card is trying it's damndest to get out of the phone. The grey tab noticeably sticks out as it fights valiantly to keep the sd card in place. The result is every now and then i have to press on the tab to make the card go back in all the way and hope when i move my finger it doesn't come out too far. Is it like this with all of them or should the gray tab be flush like when there's no card in it? I'm still eligible to get another one if this is indeed a flaw with my particular phone so I'd appreciate as much feedback on this as possible

Edited by arogntbastrd
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