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Motorola Mpx 300

Guest GraVeDiGGaZ

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Guest GraVeDiGGaZ

Ive searched everywhere but cant find anything except old posts and reviews saying release date 4th quarter 2004. But i havent seen anything as yet. So im hoping someone on here could help me out. Any info you can give would be appreciated.

Cheers GraVeDiGGaZ :twisted:

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I hate when people respond to a post with a comment that doesn't answer the original question, but I have to here...

With the latest announcements from the competors (BenQ and the latest from HTC), the MPx (no matter how cool the design is) is WAY old technology. Had the MPx been released when it was originally supposed to, it would have sold well for a while, but now, I'm not so sure.

Since talk about the MPx has slowed from Motorola, is it possible they will "beef" it up before releasing it? 200 Mhz and no RAM is hardly competitive. Also, with the merging of PPC and Smartphone OS', I'd imagine the first Smartphone running 2005 with a keyboard will be the runaway best seller (as long as it's not the VOQ).


p.s. I still want to see a pic of someone holding the MPx to their face and using it as a phone.

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Guest GraVeDiGGaZ

cheers for your help. im getting tired of waiting tbh. i was this close to going into a mobile phone shop 2day and getting the p910i. but i managed to resist. might not next time though lol

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I have read on some sites that the BenQ P50 will be out sometime in February for about $500 US. If that's true, I'll be the first on my block with one... That's a sweet phone...


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Guest GraVeDiGGaZ

Aye thats a cool phone. what would you recommend then. cost not a prob just want a good reliable pda phone with loads of features,cool gadgets and a wide range of accessories

must look good too :lol:

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Once 2005 (I *THINK* 2005 will be the first merged OS release) is released, the MS Smartphone world will change dramatically. But things as they are today, I want a small device that when used, won't look like I'm holding a size 13 shoe to my head. I don't always carry a headset with me.

For me, the most important thing is Wi-Fi. I travel frequently and make my career with Wi-Fi. Since getting my Nokia 6800 and then a Nokia 6820, I really love having a keyboard as standard.

I have been waiting for the MPx as long as anyone but every day I thing about it less and less. Too old. Too slow.

If you aren't in a killer hurry, it would pay to wait a little. There are going to be some announcements made soon on the upcoming devices. Many new smartphones and PDA phones. The P50 is the best I've seen so far though...


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