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Quick RAM question

Guest flashflash

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Guest flashflash

Ive just recently got a C500 after owning a Mpx200. Even when I'm not running anything and straight after turning the phone on, I only have approx 7Mb or RAM left...

Is this right? Since my Mpx200 used to have over 13Mb and even with the WM03 update (Which I later removed) had over 10Mb..

Is this WM03SE eating all the ram?

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Guest shaggyguitarist

I also just upgraded to c500 from mpx200, and noticed the same thing. Ihave task manager on speed dial 8 and i restarted the phone and went straight to task manager before the network had been found, and it says 9,856kb of free memory.

I never tried this with my mpx but remember it having problems running stuff if the free memory dropped below 9000kb.

Has anyone figured how it is so low?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest BanziBarn

Please can someone explain a bit more about the memory on the C500 , and what its used for? In Explorer under System Info its divided into the following

Storage Memory – 1.46mb total

Program Memory – 21.62mb total

STORAGE(Flash) – 27.98mb total

Storage card – 14.02mb

I know what the storage card is, but can anyone explain the others?

I’ve worked out that Program Memory is used to store applications when they are running but is this separate from STORAGE (flash)? I guess I’m confused because on a PC, the RAM is used to run applications, where it appears that the 32mb of quoted ram for the C500 is not used for applications, and instead for storage of files (as the name STORAGE (Flash) suggests!)

Is the Operating System stored in the Program Memory when the phone is on? If so, whats actually using up the big chunk of STORAGE (Flash)?

But if the Operating System is stored in STORAGE (Flash), what’s using up the big chunk of Program Memory?

Would I be right in saying that the STORAGE (Flash) holds the programs when they are not running, and then when you launch them, they load into the Program memory? But for the built in applications, aren’t they stored in ROM and if so, why would then need to take up any STORAGE (Flash)? I appreciate that programs such as Betapalyer which I have put on will have to go in STORAGE (flash) but thats the only extra program I’ve installed.

And what is the Storage Memory totaling 1.46mb all about?

I take it that none of the quoted figures in the ROM do they?

As you can tell I don’t know much about this stuff! Any help to make sense of all this going round in my little brain would be appreciated!

Cheers guys.

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Guest squall

as i understand it:

Flash - space taken up by the rom image (the operating system, the back up os which installs on hard reset, preinstalled aps etc)

Storage - area of phone memory used to store games apps sounds and homescreens installed to the phones memory.

program - the remainder of the phones memory used for running programs.Running elements of the os will be here.

(remember this is only for things which are in use. If an element of the os which was in use is not being used the allocated memory will be freed)

storage card - speaks for itself

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Guest BanziBarn

But in Explorer its listed as 'STORAGE (flash)' - which implies storage and Flash are the same thing, and then 'Program Memory' as a seperate amount of storage.

Also, it looks like Program memory has about 20mb on top of the 32mb STORAGE (Flash). :?:

One of the reasons I'm asking about this is becuase I want to work out what stuff in STORGAE (Flash) I can delete without it coming back on boot up...

Other related questions are things like,

Why are there two windows folders? (is the one at the root level the Rom information that gets copied to STORAGE (Flash) Windows folder on boot up?

If so, which folders in STORAGE (Flash) are totally re created on boot up? And which ones are not?

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Guest squall

ie is most likely held in both Flash and storage as its part of the rom but will have to store local content.

The memory allocation is dynamic, program memory is the remainder of the memory when you remove the flash and the storage.

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