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Chi Mei UCP-100 smartphone with wifi

Guest squall

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Wifi has been a long time coming to the smartphone platform, so much so I was starting to think we would see a 3g smartphone before a wifi one. Im pleased to say going by phonescoops coverage of the 3GSM world congress A wifi smartphone is on the way!

The device seems to be based on the mpx220, Chi Mei manufactured the MPX220 and the MPX200 until recently when Motorola took the decision to bring smartphone manufacturing in house.

The device is named the Chi Mei UCP-100, however like HTC do with their devices we will most likely see it branded by the network providers.


The features are mostly the same as the MPx220, including quad-band GSM, an internal antenna, dual colour displays, a 1.3 megapixel camera, Bluetooth, and a miniSD card slot. But key upgrades over the MPx220 include class 10 EDGE, 802.11g Wi-Fi, and of course the Kineto UMA software.

It was not announced which version of Windows Mobile for Smartphones the UCP-100 will use. The current 2003 version does not include native Wi-Fi support, so the UCP-100 may use the upcoming "Magneto" version.

So what's so great about UMA? The advantage is that the Wi-Fi connection is dramatically cheaper. It's very similar to VoIP technology, in that customers basically provide their own coverage and connection, and the Internet provides the link back to the carrier. As more customers adopt this technology, it reduces load on the cellular network and spectrum, further lowering costs.

So on average, a call made using Wi-Fi costs the carrier about 1/10 that of a typical cellular call. A good portion of that savings can be passed on to the consumer. It is likely we'll see plans in the future that offer standard rates for cellular airtime, and unlimited Wi-Fi airtime for a low flat rate.


For More information on This phone, and the UMA service see Phonescoop

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Guest ClintEastman
I'm not sure if this is telling, but unless I'm very much mistaken, that device is running Pocket PC not Smartphone.


Your right, unless of course it's an early look at Magneto (with the new res).

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I'm not sure if this is telling, but unless I'm very much mistaken, that device is running Pocket PC not Smartphone.


Maybe it's 2005, maybe it's just a mockup... wouldn't make much sense to have Start at the top w/out a touchscreen, and I don't really want a touchscreen on my phone.

I'm very interested in the new features but given this company's history and well deserved abandonment by Moto I'd be pretty leery, especially if the 'brand' is some crap one with little/no real presence to hold accountable for problems.

Lots more info and pics:


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Unless this device really IS running Pocket PC (in which case: DAMN!!!!), it looks a little big for a Smartphone? Anyone else think so?


It looks about as big as a C500 while folded o.o Better be a damn good peice of hardware for that size (and it'll probably weigh quite a bit too judging from the size and 2x screens). Considering the sort of power that handheld electronics are starting to pack (PSP anyone? and heck the C500 is pretty much a PDA in phone size already), who knows what new developments can be acheived with the a mobile phone form factor device?

Edited by Rigsta
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its more or less the same as the mpx220 - compare photos. alot of the slots etc are in the same position. In saying that the mpx220 looks big in photos to, but not so when you hold it.

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Guest someone
We also don't know the size of the person's hands in the photo...


Hehe that's a good point :lol:

About the OS: you can see two soft buttons at the top of the keypad plus it as WiFi.

Smartphone 2003 (se) uses soft buttons but doesn't support WiFi.

PPC (SmartPhone Edition) 2003 (se) doesn't support soft buttons but does support WiFi.

Windows Mobile 2005 supports both.

Conclusion: this device will be running WM 2005 a.k.a. Magneto, whenever it's PPC or SmartPhone 8)

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Guest www.msmobiles.com
Conclusion: this device will be running WM 2005 a.k.a. Magneto, whenever it's PPC or SmartPhone  8)


If you look at screenshots at phonescoop.com you can clearly notice that this phone runs Pocket PC, and absolutely NOT Smartphone platform...

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i agree the screen shown is that of a ppc. however its not hard to add that screen with photoshop... there is no sign the screen is touch sensitive, and the design is based on a smartphone - mpx220. time will tell for now i couldnt say this is not a smartphone, my feeling is that it is.

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I think it's a glossy print, cut to size, in an empty shell of a phone... as I said, mock-up. But we'll see. I wonder why MS went after everybody that was posting info on WM2k5... what are they keeping the surprise for? What show, when?

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Guest Pondrew

Did no one else note that not only is it going to have wifi but it'll be the newer wifi g! Not even the HTC Blue Angel has that! Not sure about the HTC Alpine though...

And we shouldn't dis Chi Mei too much, both the MPX200 and the MPX220 have quite a few plus points...

On screen size, is it a fair guess that it'll have the same screen size as the MPX220?

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Guest bronksy

By the time it comes out we'll all be looking for the next new thing anyway..

Anyone else have the feeling that all these phones are very very cool.. but they are just not quite there yet....

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Guest Confucious

My guess is it will run 2005 but as the 220 is so buggy I'm not sure this will be much better. What's the bettings HTC are allready working on a C500 replacement with WiFi when 2005 comes out? - Now that would be worth waiting for!

But, having said that, what is the battery life like? Isn't one of the advantages of BT over WiFi supposed to be low power? And we all know what effect BT has on battery life.

Just my 2d's worth

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