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Blog: The problem with HTC?

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Check out my post at my Blog - http://www.PaulOBrien.net - an excerpt of which is posted below... and please do reply to this post with your pictures and experiences!



OK, so here’s the thing. I love my Orange SPV C500. It’s a great phone, without a doubt the best i’ve ever owned.

BUT, it has a problem.

No, it’s not the love-it-or-hate-it joystick, or even the fact that Orange have no intention of updating it to Windows Media Player 10… no, it’s more serious than that for me.

Here’s a clue…


That’s right… DUST!


Check out my Blog for the full article...

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Guest squall

my dust is also out of hand, and back button doesnt work without excessive pressure.

How does the mpx220 hold up? I have fond memories of my mpx200, is the 220 build quality as good?

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Yeah, the build quality actually seems very good, in that my missus' 220 is still intact, with very few scratches, despite being handbagged (and ignored, lol) most of it's life, and bashed around by baby when out of it :D


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Guest chucky.egg

The dust thing has been getting a lot of attention in one of the threads here, and one guy in particular (Steve Wooding I think) has made some progress.

Sadly AFAIK nobody has yet got a "version 3" handset which according to popular mythology (i.e. Orange CS) has the dust issue fixed.

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Guest Lord Kordir

All this dust problem talk has got me totally paranoid now. I've only had my c500 just over a week. Orange do a 14 day return, do you think I should just get something else?

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Guest chucky.egg

There isn't anything as good (let alone better) IMO

My dust problem is nowhere near as bad as Paul's (and a number of other peoples) but it is getting really annoying

I'd wait and see if you get it, and if you do ask O for a replacement handset (which is likely to be one of the mythical "version 3" models by then I'd guess)

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Guest zen123

Mine has only very little dust around the top let corner...I've had mine since last October, I never use any protective case & almost always carry it in my jeans or jacket pocket.

There is a definite problem with dust accumalation but it seems it seems as if some handsets fare worse than others. I'm lucky in that mine isn't so bad but yes I'd much prefer that it didn't have any dust at all.

Oh & agree that this is definatley the best phone I've owned to date & I have been through a good few already...roll on the next version.

Edited by zen123
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Guest Gears

Hey mine appears to be fine. :D woooo. I have the silver one too. Perhaps it's cus I'm a hoover freak and I'm clean :D

(Posted from the M2000)

Mine has only very little dust around the top let corner...I've had mine since last October, I never use any protective case & almost  always carry it in my jeans or jacket pocket.

There is a definite problem with dust accumalation but it seems it seems as if some handsets fare worse than others. I'm lucky in that mine isn't so bad but yes I'd much prefer that it didn't have any dust at all.

Oh & agree that this is definatley the best phone I've owned to date & I have been through a good few already...roll on the next version.

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Guest xenophobe

Despite getting one or two pieces of dust that eventually must have stuck to the seal, my SMT 5600 hasn't had any real dust issue like the C500s... I take it everywhere I go, and work in some pretty dusty environments. I'd say just learn to disassemble it, and then clean it. If you can find some single sided spongey/foam tape about 1/32" thick, put it along the border of the inside... that may cure the problem. I have a replacement fascia that I'm going to do this with when I can find the proper stuff to make a gasket for the lcd....

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Guest Rob.P

I know the pain, I'm watching the dust build up on my 2nd C500 in exactly the same places, plus the small spec of silver paint that is floating in front of the camera lense (thankfully squeezed to the edge at the moment) :D

The memories of the 1st SPV and dust under that screen have come flooding back, well done HTC and Orange you've taken about three steps forward and hit the snake back to your starting point, what's next! headset stuck to on, pathetic build quality.

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Guest tudor

I've managed to get a replacement from Orange (on a PAYG) for C500, but no idea if it is "3rd generation" - does anyone know how to tell if it is?

I have it since about a week ago. There is a small speck of dust on the screen, but it appeared next day after I've received the phone. Apart from that, the screen is clean so far.


Did you get your replacements from Orange after Steve Wooding did the petition and managed to get Orange to accept the fault? If so, is it likely that your last replacement was a "3rd generation" one? (see here for details)

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Guest Paul [MVP]

No, my replacements were due to other faults generally.

I have had this one a little while, so if the 3rd generation really exists, it probably isn't!


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Guest estaticd
Yeah, the build quality actually seems very good, in that my missus' 220 is still intact, with very few scratches, despite being handbagged (and ignored, lol) most of it's life, and bashed around by baby when out of it :D



I have a 4 month old MPx220 and it's held up like a champ... dropped a couple times, but always closed (gotta love the clamshell) so no biggie other than the battery door popping off.

No multiple keypress issue either, which would seem like a royal pain in the neck.

I still wish the MPx220 had WMP10, and people who've had both seem to usually say that the MPx220 is slower in browsing the web.

My MPx220 has a few problems reading a SanDisk miniSD card sometimes, but I think it's just the card that is not completely compatible with the phone.

The Typhoon has some issues... that's for sure. All of the problems I read about here... they definitely scared me away.

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I have had my C500 for nearly a month so far and no dust problems what so ever so far!

The only gripe I have is the metal looking thing around the sides is not flush on the right side of the phone but thats me being picky.

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Guest pierre
I have a 4 month old MPx220 and it's held up like a champ... dropped a couple times, but always closed (gotta love the clamshell) so no biggie other than the battery door popping off.

No multiple keypress issue either, which would seem like a royal pain in the neck.

I still wish the MPx220 had WMP10, and people who've had both seem to usually say that the MPx220 is slower in browsing the web.

My MPx220 has a few problems reading a SanDisk miniSD card sometimes, but I think it's just the card that is not completely compatible with the phone.

The Typhoon has some issues... that's for sure.  All of the problems I read about here... they definitely scared me away.


After all, Motorola has a know-how as they make all kind of phones since dozens of years. It's never been my favourite. I used to love Ericsson, and I dream that they would still do the same strong and efficient phones, and that they would have taken the lead in Windows Mobile instead of HTC... :D

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Guest tudor
The only gripe I have is the metal looking thing around the sides is not flush on the right side of the phone but thats me being picky.


If we weren't picky, we'd buy Nokia 1100. :D

My dream is to have Nokia build Microsoft smartphones. My experience with Nokia was good from the build quality point of view (had a 3210, 6210 and 6600).

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Guest Confused Stu

I got my C500 on the day they came out in Orange shops (cheers Gears for letting us know when that happened). I've had a dust problem for quite a while and had several annoying phone calls with Orange which went:

- It's not a recognised problem until it inhibits your use of the phone. Call us back then.

- You now can't see the screen on your three month old phone in daylight? Sorry, dust is a wear and tear issue and not covered by any warranty or insurance. You'll just have to use the phone indoors, won't you?

It was about this point that I got angry, and stripped the phone apart (it was scary in a couple of places, hence why I made the guide to help anyone else). Shortly after this, the HTCEurope.com website got mentioned and then SteveWooding did his excellent work and got Orange to accept it as a fault.

In short, it's good to see Orange now accepting responsibility for this, and doing the right thing, but I feel very annoyed that it was (again) left to early adopters to do their final testing for them and then be left out to dry afterwards (sorry, your warranty's now void because you opened the phone up, to correct the problem we refused to before, but now would be prepared to fix).

Still the best phone I've ever seen (never seen an MPX220 in the flesh before everyone moans) and I wouldn't swap it. But I could do without the monthly strip down - even if it now takes me under 5 minutes a time. It's still a pain and I could still break my phone's case whenever I do it.

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Guest Confucious

My screen is scratched because I don't look after my phone, I keep it in a nice dusty pocket when I'm not dropping it and have had it since August and there is no sign of dust under the screen. I also don't get the TSS sound.

Maybe I'm just lucky.

I love my C500 :D

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Guest robertchinneck

So how do you get rid of dust under the screen? I see the same problem in bright light or even when you view movies from an angle?

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Guest Chaser81
(sorry, your warranty's now void because you opened the phone up, to correct the problem we refused to before, but now would be prepared to fix).


:D Sucks, dont it?

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Guest Animefan

Well when I had the original SPV, I also had lots of dust under the screen, but MorFleZ told me alittle advice:

"Go to Teleservice and tell them that there is dust under the screen" "8/10 times they replace the whole front cover"

And you know what?

I have done it around 3 times and got a new front cover every single time!

I wonder if its possible with a E200 as I got same problem now..

Bad that you have to get it done over and over again though, but as long as its free what the heck? :D

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Guest peekie

So Pauls finally joined the dust club , my c500 lasted 3 months till i took it out of the krussel case and put it in my pocket for 1 evening now its got dust on the left and right side by the buttons , as i now have a qtek s100 iam going to take the c500 apart as ash did with his mpx200 to see and remove the dust for good :D :D :D

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Guest Mr Terminator

Get a case for it then,Krussell cases are the best.They look cool and keep your SPV free from scratches and best of all DUST... :D

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Guest pierre
Get a case for it then,Krussell cases are the best.They look cool and keep your SPV free from scratches and best of all DUST... :D


Do you have a link?

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