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Is it possible ....

Guest mimic42100

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Guest mimic42100

My battery is dead. 100% dead. fone won't even boot.

I connect it to my pc, nothing.

Is it possible to force the pc to charge the phone?

I have lost my house charger (ordered a new one already. will be here in 2 days).

Just wondering. Thanks =)

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Guest awarner [MVP]

You will only be able to charge the phone using the mains charger

unless you physically alter the connector and link pin 4&5 (if memory serves me correct)

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Guest mimic42100
You will only be able to charge the phone using the mains charger

unless you physically alter the connector and link pin 4&5  (if memory serves me correct)


I Don't even want to know how to do that =(

got a link? :D

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Guest squall

If its the miniusb cable which came with the phone it should be able to charge via usb, if the usb port is powerful enough.

Since it does not seem to be working via usb you can assume either

1. the usb port is not powerful

2. the cable is not 5 pin

Its a bit rude asking for a link, ie expecting the person who replied to you to do the work and search without you even trying...

anyway hope you get it

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