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Reminders not working

Guest cyrilthefish

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Guest cyrilthefish

This week i noticed that reminders on my C500 have randomly decided to completely stop working.

ie no sound, no vibration, no message on screen: it just simply ignores them all :shock:

as i use the reminders as my main alarm clock, i've been nearly late for work a few times this week as a result!

i thought it might be activesync screwing up, so i just put in a few manual test reminders into my phone (instead of via outlook and activesync) with the same default options i allways use - it's just merrily gone past all three of them without any signs of life from the phone :D

so, any ideas? or should i just give my C500 it's first ever hard-reset? (only if theres nothing else i can do mind you!)

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Guest jporch316

It happens to mine occasionally - just reboot the phone (turn off and on) - they start working again.

Late for work last week again - they didnt go off.

I always check now the night brfore that they are active (orange homescreen tells you how many are pending)

Like all things microsoft - the phone needs rebootong now and again - (i reboot mine once a week)

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