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Introducing... 'MoDaCo Features'

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Paul [MVP]

I am proud to announce 'MoDaCo Features', a new forum area this morning that the eagle eyed amongst you may already have spotted (if not, you can find it here!)

The new 'Features' area will be the home for a number of cool new daily articles, including 'Tweak of the Week', 'Game / Application / Gadget of the Week', 'Talking Point' and 'Week in Review'.

These articles signify what I hope will become a growing part of MoDaCo... interesting content from the MoDaCo Team to supplement what is already a fantastic discussion community and download site!

We kick off our new area with Monday's contribution, 'Tweak of the Week'... enjoy!

Feel free to reply with your thoughts and any suggestions... ;)


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Guest nickcornaglia

NICE! Honing(sp?) your writing skills as well, eh?

It would be nice if all the registry tweaks, reviews, etc, wound up in their own areas for ease of use after they accumulate.

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Guest cold_fire
,Apr 17 2005, 22:59]I am proud to announce 'MoDaCo Features', a new forum area this morning that the eagle eyed amongst you may already have spotted (if not, you can find it here!)

The new 'Features' area will be the home for a number of cool new daily articles, including 'Tweak of the Week', 'Game / Application / Gadget of the Week', 'Talking Point' and 'Week in Review'.

These articles signify what I hope will become a growing part of MoDaCo... interesting content from the MoDaCo Team to supplement what is already a fantastic discussion community and download site!

We kick off our new area with Monday's contribution, 'Tweak of the Week'... enjoy!

Feel free to reply with your thoughts and any suggestions... :D



Great ,u were cool before now u r the coolest ,watz next 'cause i may have no words 2 say... congrats ... ;) :D

Edited by cold_fire
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Guest nickcornaglia

By the way...May I take this opportunity to congratulate Paul and the Gang for stepping up and attempting tp bring original content to the site's front page.

I have been extremely disappointed in the Smartphone sites lately. If I may point my ever judgemental finger....LAZY LAZY LAZY!

Regurgitated news from one site to the next...and to make it worse....without ANY original comment. Just direct quoting from the originating site(s).

The thing that really burns my britches is the ultimate in lazy....a couple of sites doing "the week in review". Please...take your sites down and contribute to Modaco instead. Consolidate my "daily sites to review" list by taking yourselves out of the picture and making Modaco even better.

Modaco has never been in the forefront of my MOBILE NEWS sites with the exception of their ORANGE exclusives. (Though the forums ALWAYS get my daily browse). But I'm hoping this will bring them closer to being my one-stop-smartphone/ppc-news-spot.

GOTW was a bit disappointing coming out the gate...that was too easy and "last year's" news. But it's the first week and I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Negativity aside (I cant sleep tonight and I'm a bit angry)...take this is a constructive criticism....keep up the good work with this ever growing and expanding site and don't fall behing on the advancements...though I certainly understand how it is very easy to do.

That's it! ;)

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Oops... Sunday's feature is 'Week in Review' posted in the features area and delivered by e-mail... do you not want this? :shock:

Eclipse HAD to be first GotW for old time's sake ;)


PS Advance warning, there is no Saturday feature!

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Guest chucky.egg

Much as I like this new stuff (I did the Friendly Name tweak as soon as I saw it) I would personally prefer to see the mobile version of Modaco returned first.

I tend not to use my phone for Modaco anymore because the mobile version went, and there isn't enough detail in the RSS feed to be able to spot things I'm interested in from there.

I "waste" an hour a day on the train playing games (if you can waste time playing games ;) ) when I could be learning more about my little fella [That's my phone BTW]

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Guest nickcornaglia
,Apr 21 2005, 05:09]Oops... Sunday's feature is 'Week in Review' posted in the features area and delivered by e-mail... do you not want this? :shock:

Eclipse HAD to be first GotW for old time's sake ;)


PS Advance warning, there is no Saturday feature!


Dont let my overly demanding post get in the way of your plans. Everyone uses Modaco differnetly and the Week in review may be just what some people are after. A week in review feature is great when you are actually reviewing news that was posted throughout the week...not as an excuse to throw up a post in a futile effort to stay current because news hasnt been posted all week. Comments toward this were obviously not directed toward Modaco, but other sites. :D

And I certaily understand why Eclipse was GOTW...gotta show where your loyalities lie! :D

I wasnt trying to pop your bubble. I hope you see that my post was directed more toward other sites than at Modaco.

Keep on keepin' on! :cheesy:

Oh, and a mobile version and better RSS Feeds would be great too!

<----Ooooooo! Just noticed encece's over 3000 post count, too! \o/

Edited by nickcornaglia
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Guest beersoft


i just want to defend lazy journalism, I like doing lazy stuff and i think i would get less free stuff to review if i emailed them saying "hi im beersoft, the random drunk who posts on modaco, can i have XYZ to review please" doesn't work as well as "hi im beersoft, MSMobileNews wants to review your XYZ"

i try not to post stuff thats already been covered here or on the other 2 sites ;) (hence the new "beerys to lazy to write up 5 press releases and other people got there first 'news reviews'"

/me grumbles about there only being so much news about and people getting upset when we just make up random crap



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Guest squall
Regurgitated news from one site to the next...and to make it worse....without ANY original comment. Just direct quoting from the originating site(s).

I dont think the smartphone (or anyother big online communittee for that matter) will get away from news stories being reported on other sites. Every site wants to be the news leader and have all the news.

MoDaCo is no exception and we have recently made it possible for members to post in the news section. This does mean there are more items posted in the news section, but can mean that some of the news posts arent formatted in the traditional way.

I do agree that simply quoting is not cool, thats why with my news posts and the other newshounds posts there will nearlyalways be comments added. Of course sometimes if posting in a hurry we wont, but...

I am working on plans to improve the pick up rate and post standard in the news section, we may even have a recruitment drive for newshounds soon.

However as always the only way we can get better is with feedback. Please contact me if you have ideas or views on what you would like to see changed!

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Of course, 'Week in Review' won't just be a regurgitation of what has been in the news section, it will be MY point of view of the week, referencing the stories and giving my thoughts.

That's the plan anyway ;)


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Guest beersoft

a kinda blog style review of pauls week on modaco?

with interesting posts and topics reviewed and stuff?

that sounds good ;)



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Guest nickcornaglia

I didnt mean to point fingers and I didnt point at any ONE site. I noticed that after MSMN started "slacking"....MGN started doing the same. Msmobiles has been pulling news from other sites for years.

It's all for positive reasons that I wrote what I did.

"make your own site, nick"

"let me see you do better"

"screw you, encece!"

could have all been appropriate responses to my post...but I did not get that from anyone....which is great! I LOVE the smartphone community we have. And appreciate all of my online friends, their contributions, and efforts.

I just demand to be entertained! So dance monkeys...DANCE! ;)

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Guest Paul [MVP]

News is hard I think...

I absolutely would love to have MoDaCo be number 1 for news, both self-generated (pulling news items from relevant topics on MoDaCo), news submitted, and posting news from the other sites... ultimate aim being to be a one stop shop.

Doesn't seem that easy tho... :|


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Guest squall

I still think the best way to generate news is to have contacts within all the relevent companys involved with the smartphone market who send us there press releases when they are released or post the news themselves. It take alot of work to build a relationship with one company, but it would be possible!

Anyways thats what i would like to see happening...

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Guest squall

indeed, which comes back to what you said about multiple sources. my post above was talking about the best ways to collect news from companys connected with the smartphone platform. Ie hardware manufacturers etc etc etc

As you say there are lots of other sources for news too, still this isnt the place to go into all that ;)

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Guest badhusin

Let me be the first 'under 10-posts' to say something. Just a comment. Frankly speaking, MODACO has been doing a great job and an excellent service for me. The reason being, and i feel compelled to tell you this, is i come from what you call a developing country. Being such, we are much late in receiving news / updates regarding so many things esp. IT related items. When you are talking about C500 smartphone, we are still with xphone (heck! that C500 has not touch my shore and never will, i think!) When you start having rumors about C550, we just received the Xphone 2. in fact the latest that we have right now is from O2, ie Xphone 2, and XDA2s(and i). Motorola is still with mpx, i don't think i will ever see mpx200 or mpx220! That's the kind of 'slowness' that we have here...

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Guest badhusin

I think, the closest site that i have which talk so much about windows mobile smartphone and has been helping me give a lot of 'goodies' is the RJV from Philippines. Yet, i cannot understand a bit if i go into its forum bcoz i cannot understand tagalog. luckily, so far, his software is in English! Thank you Rey!... =D>

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Guest badhusin

So, for people like me to actually self-generate news that obviously come from a primary source is nearly impossible, which is why i think most of us just do quoting from somebody else, mainly because we 'think' it is a new news. thus, forgive us on our ignorance, if that may be the case...

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