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Dialog box problem

Guest zero_divide_1

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Guest zero_divide_1

I'm in a bit of a bind. I have a dialog-based program that I'm making for myself (and if it passes my tests, maybe I'll make available for everyone else ;) ), and its the first time that I've ever written software for the smartphone. But I have this question: In my WinMain I create a dialog by calling DialogBox(...) and it shows the dialog perfectly. My DlgProc function processes messages fine, except that when the dialog box is shown (as the main window), and I press the home key to return to the desktop, then try pressing the back button to return to the dialog box (and application) it doesn't show up. Many other programs are able to do this no problem, but this is becoming a real pain for me because it doesn't show up like its supposed to. Am I forgetting to catch any messages or do something? Right now my DlgProc catches the WM_INITDIALOG and WM_COMMAND messages. Is there anything else that I'm missing?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest javen
I'm in a bit of a bind. I have a dialog-based program that I'm making for myself (and if it passes my tests, maybe I'll make available for everyone else ;) ), and its the first time that I've ever written software for the smartphone. But I have this question: In my WinMain I create a dialog by calling DialogBox(...) and it shows the dialog perfectly. My DlgProc function processes messages fine, except that when the dialog box is shown (as the main window), and I press the home key to return to the desktop, then try pressing the back button to return to the dialog box (and application) it doesn't show up. Many other programs are able to do this no problem, but this is becoming a real pain for me because it doesn't show up like its supposed to. Am I forgetting to catch any messages or do something? Right now my DlgProc catches the WM_INITDIALOG and WM_COMMAND messages. Is there anything else that I'm missing?



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