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SPV C550 Pictured

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Fellow MVP Arne over at TheUnwired.net has posted a couple of very good pictures of the forthcoming SPV C550.


Still not 100% sure if I like it personally (I think my Dopod 585 looks a lot slicker), but the 320x240 screen is not to be sniffed at. Roll on the (allegedly May) release I say ;)


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Guest Disco Stu

As a fan of the SPV range I'll have to have one - upgrade due on July so O will no doubt be calling in June.

Can you explain the top 2 rows of 4 buttons. One is WMP controls so what are the next row exactly ? Have HTC dispensed with the obvious left/right softkey format ?

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Guest squall

first 4 are the soft keys, back and home

next 4 are media buttons, skip fwd, back stop and play

it seems that c550 wont have magneto ;)

which means i wont be upgrading as theres not enough improvements for me to justify it.

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Guest squall

the alternitives could be programed to recognised the extra buttons...

I just dont use the smartphone for media enough for something like that to appeal to me

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Guest st3ph3n

Like the Joystick. If the media buttons were customisable then they might be useful. Mail, TomTom, Solitare and Beta Player at the touch of a button.

Is this, or any other smartphones likely to be out on Orange when everyone who ealry adopted the C500 hits their free upgrade period in August?

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Guest squall

yes it should be out in may, so give it a month or so for delay...!

still i think i will be waiting on the c600, hopefully that will be out by the end of the summer ?

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Guest st3ph3n

Magneto would be good. What about 3G too?

If any of the operators whip out a decent 3G Magneto device by August then they'll surely be onto a winner.

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hmm that's a good question.

I'd go for the M500 myself. but it's bigger and heavier. though the functionality makes up for that easily. so depends on what your demands are.

and what's this about a SPV C600????

any info/pic's?


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Guest someone
and what's this about a SPV C600????

any info/pic's?


From CoolSmartphone:

- Orange will launch C600 (bigger screen, possibly no camera) in June

- C600 will only be available to Orange enterprise customers (business contracts > 50 employees)

- C600 will have Windows Mobile 2005

So... :roll:

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Guest magical_trevor

What's the point of only offering the C600 to Enterprise Customers? that seems stupid to me, why would Orange want to restrict their market? maybe another network will release the same device but with a different name that normal customers can have...

back on-topic: if there's no OS upgrade for the C550, is there really much point to bringing out a whole new device only for it to become outdated a few weeks later?

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Guest markdotpeters5

sorry to be superficial,i'd get one if I thought the camera was going to be any good.

I hope i'm proved wrong, but I bet it sucks. I know for some people it's not important, but it is for me.. looks like at the very least it doesn't have a flash. (the flash on the d500 is actually quite useful)

D500 quality camera, or i'm not touching it ;)

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Guest Microsoft
sorry to be superficial,i'd get one if I thought the camera was going to be any good.

I hope i'm proved wrong, but I bet it sucks. I know for some people it's not important, but it is for me.. looks like at the very least it doesn't have a flash. (the flash on the d500 is actually quite useful)

D500 quality camera, or i'm not touching it ;)


D500? :?: jam?!

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Guest Monolithix [MVP]

Well my c500 is getting a little battered now, so a C550 would be a nice interim until i can get my hands on a C600....


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Guest someone
D500?  :?: jam?!


hehe no I think he means the Samsung D500. There's more than just Smartphones on the market ;)


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Guest morpheus2702

Even more retro in the flesh that the drawings suggested! As superficial a question as it may be, I wonder what colour the backlight is?

And June for the C600? June 2006 maybe! ;)

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Guest markdotpeters5

Microsoft: yeah that wasn't terribly clear was it.

My main day-to-day phone is the i-mate jam (HTC magician), I also have a Samsung D500 for going out basically as the camera is terrific. It's limited compared to smartphones, but then after consuming much beer on a friday night, so is my brain ;)

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Guest timalloy6711

I think that phone looks cool ...I own a SPVE200 and my upgrade is in may....should I go for this...someone advise me please??

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