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SPV C500 Dock now available in the MoDaCo Shop

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest chucky.egg

Is this the same thing as Muddy250's cradle?

And does it mean that he won't be selling his through eBay and the forum as previously "planned"?

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Guest muddy250
Is this the same thing as Muddy250's cradle?

And does it mean that he won't be selling his through eBay and the forum as previously "planned"?


It is indeed and it does mean that I've given up on ebay as planned.

These will be a modaco exclusive! ;)


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Guest chucky.egg

That's cool

Any plans for a USB socket version? So we can plug it into a PC to charge and sync, and into the mains to charge when there's no PC around?

I've got USB and power leads coming out of my ears, so it'd be really useful

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Guest gazbert

Cradle good.

Paying £24.99 for a 99p usb cable and a lump of moulded plastic? Bad.

Come on guys! At £24.99 you must be making about £23 pure profit. Let's see a more reasonable price.

Hands up who'd pay £24.99 for this?

Now hands up who'd pay £10 for this? What's that? 10 times more people would buy one for a tenner than would for £24.99? How surprising.

As much as I'd love a cradle, I can't justify paying this stupid amount of money for one.

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Guest Seraphic

£15 is as high as I'd go. I want a cradle badly for my C500, but not £25-badly.

Cradle good.

Paying £24.99 for a 99p usb cable and a lump of moulded plastic? Bad.

Come on guys! At £24.99 you must be making about £23 pure profit. Let's see a more reasonable price.

Hands up who'd pay £24.99 for this?

Now hands up who'd pay £10 for this? What's that? 10 times more people would buy one for a tenner than would for £24.99? How surprising.

As much as I'd love a cradle, I can't justify paying this stupid amount of money for one.


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Guest chucky.egg

I'd agree to some extent. £10-£15 is fine, but £25 is a bit steep.

I could have sworn that when I first looked they were £19.99

Did I imagine that?

Sellers market though, this is the only commercially produced cradle that I know of.

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Guest Seraphic

Yep, I saw them at £20 and was almost tempted. At £25 I won't be buying one.

I'd agree to some extent.  £10-£15 is fine, but £25 is a bit steep.

I could have sworn that when I first looked they were £19.99 

Did I imagine that?

Sellers market though, this is the only commercially produced cradle that I know of.


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Guest cruro02
Yep, I saw them at £20 and was almost tempted. At £25 I won't be buying one.



15, 20 or 25 pounds - makes no difference to me - MoDaCo shop doesn't ship outside UK so no matter what the price I can't get one anyway. UK shops are getting as bad as the USA - guys there are places outside your little island - Australia for instance.... :x

....rant off... sorry... :roll:

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Guest RazorD
,Apr 26 2005, 14:59]That's what i've been told!



I ordered it while it was £19.99...

I paid £21.75 with delivery, and its already been dispatched :P Yay being quick! ;), its cheaper than an iPod dock, which i bought.. maybe they're both overpriced, but the difference it makes, its worth it for me ;)

Edited by RazorD
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Guest dez16v

I was bidding on e-bay for two of the cradles for me and my brother, but I started my bid at £10.00 each, but stopped at £17.50 they finally sold at £20.00 each. That was the final price on e-bay. Plus £5.00 for postage.

Like earlier posts, I think £25.00 is too expensive. But in this case, supply and demand come in to the equation. After all, the cradles are not available from anywhere else!!

Perhaps muddy250 should sell them on e-bay for £25.00 and £15.00 to Modaco members?

I am sure there would be enough takers for him to make a profit at those prices.

dez16v ( Retailing Genius ) ;)

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Guest nagobe
And now im defo not interested how i have to buy it with a 256mb mini SD card for £43.99 what a rip off.


I'v been looking for something like this, however the price is quite steep, I don't need an SD card, and I live in the US.

What do I need to do to get a cradle at a reasonable price????


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Guest Shop @ MoDaCo
I got mine from here

It doesn't look quite as good as the above though, and its a bit too light meaning two hands are normally needed to get the phone out.


Great if you wanna put your phone in an ashtray/cup type device ;)

Plus as a bonus you will get big muscles :?:

Edited by Shop @ MoDaCo
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Guest Shop @ MoDaCo

15, 20 or 25 pounds - makes no difference to me - MoDaCo shop doesn't ship outside UK so no matter what the price I can't get one anyway. UK shops are getting as bad as the USA - guys there are places outside your little island - Australia for instance....   :x

....rant off... sorry... :roll:


That's not quite true, if you are happy to pay the additional shipping costs we will gladly take your order, please email [email protected] you will have to pay via PayPal though.

We look forward to hearing from you soon ;)

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Guest Shop @ MoDaCo
Cradle good - Bloody excellent

Paying £24.99 for a 99p usb cable and a lump of moulded plastic? Bad - Have you got one, seen one, where do you buy USB cables for 99p unless you want several hundred

Come on guys! At £24.99 you must be making about £23 pure profit. Let's see a more reasonable price - You obviously know a lot about manufacturing and the hard work which has gone into this project

Hands up who'd pay £24.99 for this? - Try 30+ people

Now hands up who'd pay £10 for this? What's that? 10 times more people would buy one for a tenner than would for £24.99? How surprising - You are joking, how do you think we could possibly make this device and sell it for £8.52

As much as I'd love a cradle, I can't justify paying this stupid amount of money for one - Save your pennies up then


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Guest Shop @ MoDaCo
I'd agree to some extent.  £10-£15 is fine, but £25 is a bit steep.

I could have sworn that when I first looked they were £19.99 

Did I imagine that?

Sellers market though, this is the only commercially produced cradle that I know of.


The price error was a geniune mistake, if anybody works out the price you will see that, add 17.5% to 19.99 then add the postage/carriage, mistakes happen, were only human after all :cry:

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Guest Shop @ MoDaCo
And now im defo not interested how i have to buy it with a 256mb mini SD card for £43.99 what a rip off - So you think £19.00ish for a 256MB miniSD is a rip off, what about the people who don't have extra memory and would like to buy a cradle, just because this offer is maybe not what you want don't spoil it for others, we will again be selling the cradle without memory soon.


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Guest pisquee

I think it's fine for you to charge what you like for the cradle - and if people are buying at that price, then you could define it as being worth that much.

I also have no arguments with running a special promo offer on them with the bundled discounted memory, although it seems unfair to not also still be selling the cradles by themselves. I would say that most power-users, the ones i would asume to be wanting a cradle the most (i.e. your core market demograph?) would already have bought their memory cards at the same time or soon after the initial acquisition of the phone. So to basically say that you don't want them to buy them seems a bit rediculous.

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Guest cruro02
That's not quite true, if you are happy to pay the additional shipping costs we will gladly take your order, please email [email protected] you will have to pay via PayPal though.

We look forward to hearing from you soon  ;)


Rant withdrawn :oops: Sorry 'bout that - - wasn't obvious that you would take orders from outside the UK. I'll email an order thru' shortly...

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