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SPV C500 Polished Edition

Guest wugger

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Guest wugger

For all those who got fed up with Orange/HTC and opened their C500 (or are planning to do so), this thread will be of great interest: MobileJoe.de

Granted, its in German so either learn the language or use babelfish but the pictures speak for themselves!




There is also a detailed guide to the dis- and reassembly process here (in English).

Have fun messing up your C500,


[update]: Similar MoDaCo posting here

Looks like you're gonna need a whole lot of sugar cubes to do this ;)

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Guest AngelOfRage

that looks interesting, although i bet greasy fingerprints are even more of a nightmare than on the standard cover (yes i know, wash your hands after a mcdonalds...)

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Guest tsutton

Cheers for posting it. Looks good!

The only changes you need to make is the day i.e. Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fri Sa and Su as they are in German language. But apart from it, easy to install and works well. ;)

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Guest Newchurch

Hi folks,

as you can see in the mobilejoe.de thread the C500 looks very bad with many scratches and a lo of dust under display cover.

When the C500 came out last year there was a nice discussion at mobilejoe chat if the front cover was made of plastic or aluminium. One of the users did his legendary "bite test" and noticed that it was aluminium (greetings to plant ;) ).

Why not polish the front cover ? The result you can see, I think it looks good and was the best solution for the scratched c500.

The homescreen you see at my black c500 was a "compilation" of several homescreens for my personal use. The calendar plugin was shown at modaco.com first (in english), but it seems as nobody has noticed it ?

Gretings from Germany,


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Guest Alex_le_brit

One downer on polishing aluminium, it'll look all nice and shiney for a few weeks, but unless it's laquered or anodised, it'll slowly oxidise to a dull matt grey.

Mind you if you go HERE you can read all about anodising at home, which could of course result in a rash of brightly coloured C500's ;)

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Guest lutzh
Am I being stupid, or does it not say how to get through to the aluminium anywhere?


hi folks

the guy who did it restaurates oldtimer cars too so he know very well how to keep the shiny finish for the future - a special politure seals the surface.

its pretty well known that the c500 and its derivates have a metallic front cover and i am just about doing the same to my mda compact (colour is already removed i only need to do the fine sanding or decide to spray it in a cool dark colour - don't know yet how i gonna finish it). if someone needs details on how to take c500 or magician into parts just post here...

this thingy does the colour removal and the fine sanding perfectly:


another fine idea to do the finish is using chocolate :-) - check HERE!


cheerio! lutz

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Guest tronicx

This may sound funny - but you do know there's a silver version of the C500 don't you?

I've got it; has a nice feel to it, but you do get the finger-print marks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest extravagant
This may sound funny - but you do know there's a silver version of the C500 don't you?

I've got it; has a nice feel to it, but you do get the finger-print marks.


u get those on the black version also, but not very noticable.. I use the leather case, if u drop the C500 it will likely break?

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