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XDAIIs or XDAIIi which one?

Guest naysonr

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Guest naysonr

;) Hi all, i'm about to sign to another contract on O2 max, and stuck on whether to choose the XDAIIs or the i, the main differences being that the s has a slide out QWERTY keyboard and is in a sexy black finish, whereas the i has a 520mhz processer (slightly faster than the s which has a 400), and a 1.3 mega pixel camera, but is also in the older looking (and cheap looking) silver chassis (did i spell that right??, the cover is the same as the old xda2)

I wanted all your opinions on which one is better, too look at both of them in a fair amount of detail you can go to:


which has information on both, i really don't know which one to chose and am interested in hearing from people that have either of them and their opinions or just anyones opinion, i just can't decide :roll: so please help!!!!! ;)

there is no other differences between the phones

i currently have a spv c500 which i think is a pile of s*** as it's far too slow and the screen is far too small for what i use it for, which is basically mainly for leasure usage,

all i am going to do with the xda is mainly watch movies (full wide screen, how cool will that be!!) play games, listen to music, surf the net (for which i think the keyboard is useful, and wifi!!!!) and general phone stuff like messages and calls, i may do the odd word document but i wouldn't be using the full bussiness abilities of the phone, i'm just a poor lowly student so i just want it for fun!!!!!

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Guest jfran
These are both PPCs NOT Smartphones so try posting in the right forum.


But it is the PPC forum confucious ;)

At the end of the day, its up to you, both devices are good and apart from weight, keypad, quad band, camera specs and a few other cosmetic differences they are essentially the same. Like I said its down to you and the sort of deals you can get.



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Guest JohnD

Well I also have a c500 and I've just bought the XDA IIi, I think it's a better phone.

Who really cares about a slidey keyboard?

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Guest Paul [MVP]

I've used both, and there's not much to call between them. The IIi has a slightly brighter screen IMHO, a faster proc and the 1.3MP camera (which is still crap), but the keyboard on the IIs is actually suprisingly good.

If I had to choose between them it would be a tough call... but i'd *probably* go for the IIs (which is actually my main PPC device atm!)


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Guest Paul [MVP]

Well, I think it's pretty crap. It's as good a 1.3MP camera as the C500 is a 0.3MP camera.

It's 'OK', but definitely not 'great'...

As I said tho, the screen, speedy proc and integrated WiFi ARE great! ;)


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Guest naysonr

with regards to deals it doesn't make a difference to me which i get their both free and the contract is half price, i just wanted to know which is better, i think i'm sorta swinging towards the i because i'm thinking you can get clip on keyboards that do the same function as the slide down one, and thou i do like the look of the s better than the i, i can't warrent getting it just cos of that when the i has a faster processer, better screen, slightly better camera and slightly larger memory, when i can get a clip on that'll do the same job as the slide down keyboard. thanx for helping me make my choice nays

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Guest naysonr

i was under the impression that the i has a little more available memory, i'm still unsure, it's come down to whether i want a speedier processor or the built in keyboard and the sexy look?? does the speed make that much difference, i know bout computers, but will it be a noticable difference in performance in the two if i'm mainly using them for :oops: media programs and music, not really bussiness

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Guest Pondrew

A colleague at work had the s and ended up exchanging it for an i. His suggestion was that the sound quality was worse with the i. Think he meant that the volume of the speak playing music didn't seem as high rather then anything else...

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Guest Thistle

Like Paul I have them both, and I like Paul tend to use my s more. The draw out keyboard is very handy and very convenient. Yes the i has a faster processor but you'd be hard pushed to notice any gr8 difference in speed. Yes the I also has the mega pixel camera but as Paul said its pretty crap, and I think once the novelty value has worn off you'll find u hardly use it anyway, I tend to use the transcriber, but when its not picking up a word right or a character its so easy just to slide the keyboard down and type it in, and if you where to get the I do you honestly think you would carry about a clip on keyboard about with you??

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Guest naysonr

hmmm now i'm still confused again, whats stopping me from going to the s is that will i actually use the keyboard, all i'll use it for is texting and the i has a new onscreen t9 input device which the s hasn't got and which i know i'd use much more than the slide down qwerty keyboard as i;d be faster using t9. but then if the camera's crap why not go for the nicer looking s!?!?!??!?!??!?!?! ok better question to ask is do you think i would use the keyboard if i'm never writing emails and doing documents, just purley for the leasure value of the phone?

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Guest PhoenixAG

I think only the IIs has the Wifi, am I right?

I would definitely go for the IIs, as looks are important!! ;) And if it has Wifi too, well there! You've got your answer.

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Guest naysonr

well thanx all for your help, i've decided on the s as o2 promised a 14 trial so i can swap for the i if it's too slow or i don't like it, i'm calling up o2 tomorow and the phone should be with me within the week, so i'll keep you all posted on how i find it, thanx again for all your help, i know it's sad thats it's such a choice but then we're all a bit too obsessed with our phones or we wouldn't be here would we?? thanx

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Guest naysonr

yeah, today i'm sittin there talking to the o2 guy on the phone about which one to go for, and in the end he talks me into buying the i, he thou is aparently the o2's thats in charge of dealing with the correspondance with the manufactures or something, i dunno he was probably lying, either way he said he had both and he recons for what i'm gonna use it for the i would be better, just cos of the slightly better screen and the thickness of the s in comparison with the i, so yeah i've ordered the i and i'll tell you how i've got one, thanx for your help, nayson

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