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Gnuboy advice please

Guest Lynswin

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Guest Lynswin

Hi All

I have Gnuboy and I am playing Pokemon crystal on it (ok, ok....). My question is this: I want to update my SPV C500 and I understand that when I do this I will wipe everything off my phone. I don't want to lose my 'place' in Pokemon crystal (I have been playing for something like 150 hours!!!) so is there a file I can copy to my PC and then copy back to my smartphone after the update so I can resume playing where I left off?

Any help appreciated


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Guest Confused Stu

I know it's obvious, but it depends where the save game file is stored. If it's installed on the phone or registry then you will lose your place. If it's installed on the memory card then you'll be fine.

Have a quick poke around the phone in Storage/Program Files and (in the registry) under HKEY_Current_User/Software and HKEY_Local_Machine/Software. My guess is nothing will show up on the registry and (as long as you installed gnuboy on the card) nothing will show up in the Storage either.

Now have a look on Storage Card/Program Files and see if you can find any weird files in folders to do with gnuboy - if you can then I'd be 75% certain that you're not going to lose your place with a reset/flash because the memory card is not wiped.

Or, you could go out and get a life! :) 150 hours on Pokemon?!?! :D

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Pondrew

Greets all. Just a quick reminder. Asking where you can get game roms would be against the forum rules.

Just that we've had to remove one such request and it'd be a shame if we had to lock the thread a result of a minority not reading the rules...

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  • 3 months later...

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