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MoDaCo Summer Event 2005

Guest PaulOBrien

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Guest Paul [MVP]

Posted by Paul [MVP] on behalf of Monolithix!

Please see http://www.modaco.com/Latest_News_for_the_...05-t224651.html for the latest info!

Yes its that time of year again kids, I've been working closely with Microsoft and Orange over the past month or so to put together the MoDaCo Summer Event 2005!

As confirmed by the our poll earlier in the summer, the date will be Saturday 20th August 2005 and it will be held in the Microsoft MSN Building in Soho, London (location and map here).

Registration will be from 1230, and we will be finished by 1630. As usual some of us will be moving on to a local tavern or somesuch for a post-social social, and anyone able to stay is welcome :)

As always, this event is open to all registered MoDaCo members. On the day we have speakers and demos from Orange and Microsoft with all the latest gadgets and info on display, also we'll be expecting representatives from various Windows Mobile based companies.

For those of you into writing applications for Windows Mobile we'll have a developers corner where you can speak to Microsoft experts on coding for the latest Windows Mobile devices.

Plus you can expect the usual set of giveaways, quizes, goody bags, food and beer! Mix and mingle with your forum mates and chat with experts form the Windows Mobile industry!

Registration is easy, however to ensure signups are genuine all registrations are subject to a £10 confirmation fee. You can then either get a refund in cash on the day in London, or claim your raffle ticket strip to win top prizes (a C500, XBox and PC at the last event!). As always, ALL money raised will go straight to charity!

Also please remember, MoDaCo Plus members get priority places if we over book. There will be plenty of warning if we reach that point though! :D

To sign up simply fill out the form below, and from me and the MoDaCo team, we hope to see you there!

Registration temporarily closed!

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Guest mavisdavis

I'll check my social calender ...

Checked it and I'm free .lol

But London is so far away :)

I'll have to think about this and look up some accomodation, So if anybody from the east Midlands would like a lift give me a shout

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Guest Monolithix [MVP]

London is easy to get to! Where abouts in the east mids mavis? Brum new street to London is a quick and easy trip?

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Guest peekie

I would like to go but i have to fly into london and with the current state of transport , a lot of the tube being shut at the moment i do not know how to get there :D hopefully things will change and i can come :)

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Think i'm away in Amsterdam on that date :) Will have to check...

Mavisdavis im about 10 minutes away from you so if im available, I dont mind giving you a lift down

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Guest mavisdavis

No problem amo I'm not afraid to drive or anything I was jsut stateing Its still a good 3hrs drive by anyones standard.

But I would like to stay over night tho. Maybe hit a few clubs around soho :)

EDIT: Its my 3ryrs old birthday next day . So thats a no go

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Guest mcwarre
Think i'm away in Amsterdam on that date :) Will have to check...

Mavisdavis im about 10 minutes away from you so if im available, I dont mind giving you a lift down


You know the train makes sense. BEER!!

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Guest beersoft


dont forget that falling off chairs is frowned upon :)

and for this one i think i'll be mostly behaving, with a small amount of giggling at girls



"breakfast, not just a good idea"

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Guest mmbecks7

This will be my first event! Will definitely be there! Soho square is just around 15 minutes by bus from home! Can't wait! :)

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Guest mavisdavis

Where abouts is it? Ive done a search but to avail :) I need to plan my route

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Guest RazorD

I'm really tempted actually :) I love my M500 and most things microsoft :D

Plus its only £16 student fare to London by the train....

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Guest inspectorgadjet

Hmm...the form was woring earlier when I looked at it, now I'm seeing HTML code...can't register :D

EDIT: AHA! It works again now! I've registered :)

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Guest doyle_am

Beersoft, try not to get kicked out of a bar again eh?

Ah sod it.... it finished off the day with a good laugh last time so why not keep with tradition! :)

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Guest Disco Stu
Really close the the Burger King, McDonalds and KFC of Picadilly Circus, yay! :D

Edit: Just submitted my registration :D See you there :)


We do get fed ya know !

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Right, got the details of my flight. I get back from Amsterdam at 10am on the Saturday. Thats at East Midlands. Now obviously i'll need a shower etc and need to drop of my stuff at home. So that takes us to about half 11. Could drive down and get into london by about 2 :)

Is late arrivals ok?

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