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Email keeps sending and receiving

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Guest Pagemakers

My JasJar keeps polling my email account and downloading email even though in settings I have set this to off.

Is this a bug or something else I am unaware of?

Guest chucky.egg

My M500 did the same, but after I went in and set it to ON and then in again and set it to OFF it stopped and hasn't done it again since.

The odd thing is that it does seem to do it, if it can, through ActiveSync. Even when it's off.

Guest inspectorgadjet

I found on my MDA III that if I left the messaging accounts on Email it would keep downloading messages even if I had the setting disabled. If I changed it back to text messaging accounts it didn't keep checking mail.

Guest chucky.egg
I found on my MDA III that if I left the messaging accounts on Email it would keep downloading messages even if I had the setting disabled. If I changed it back to text messaging accounts it didn't keep checking mail.


Ah, yeah, that would fit with what I've seen

With my phone left on Messaging, with my GMail account "open" (but not connected) and connected to the PC with ActiveSync mine downloaded emails.

Guest inspectorgadjet

Mine does it even on GPRS connections if I leave it on the email account after doing an initial send and receive. I have to change it specifically to the text messaging or mms accounts in order to make it stop.

Guest chucky.egg

Ah, a quick follow up...

I've found that on a cable connection with ActiveSync running and with Text Messaging the active Messaging doohicky it still does the auto-download.

AFAICT it's not doing it over GPRS, and it doesn't do it at work where I don't have local internet access (at least it doesn't download anything!)

Guest Dumdidum

It is always syncing if you are connection with Activesync! That is normal! It does not follow the rule you set in the device itself! That rule is just for GPRS/UMTS

Is this really a problem? GPRS/UMTS is the one that is expensiv - syncing with Activesync is free...

Btw. I visited germany and the Netherlands and it followed my rule not to sync with my Exchange Server if I am abroad with Roaming...


Guest chucky.egg

I'm not talking about my Inbox (which I don't sync at home anyway) but my other email accounts.

It's not exactly a problem anyway, I'm just trying to understand the behaviour.

Why does it download emails at all, and why from one account but not others?

Curiously it's the only account that is on my phone and NOT on the PC.

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