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Guest puckster
Posted (edited)

Well i-mate has finally released their new roms for the SP3 and SP3i (not the 850 / US version though). I have been using it on my SP3i for a day or so now and so far seems ok.

Edit: Fixed athe typo's here regarding the 850 / 900 versions :roll:

That will teach me to post after not much sleep :o

All three language versions of the 900 version have been updated versions as follows: - English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish - English, Romanian, Czech, Polish, Macedonian, Slovakian, Turkish - English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Finish, Norwegian

ROM update versions for are:



Microsoft: 4.21.15045.0


File System: 4.21.15045.0

Theres actually quite an impressive list of fixes etc:


• Windows Media Player 10 for Smartphone

Operating System

• Latest build of Microsoft Windows Mobile™ Smartphone 2003 Second Edition operating system

File beaming over Bluetooth

• It is now possible to beam files over Bluetooth using the file manager

Improved radio functionality:

• Call audio quality is improved.

• Speakerphone function is now included in the menu for each call.

• The user can choose after how many seconds a call is sent through to voicemail.

• Sometimes the phone would say "Unable to answer call" if the user tried to answer the phone while the call was being forwarded to voicemail. This functionality has been corrected.

• USSD service support is upgraded.


• mp3 ringtones can now be used

Updated MMS:

• Input phone numbers in "To" field using T9 "abc" mode, MMS cannot be sent while last number underlined.

• After capturing picture, the device might go to album or other photo review option instead of returning to MMS client this has been corrected.

• Sometimes, after capturing a video for inserting into an MMS, the wait cursor would cycle and it would not be possible to insert the MMS. This has been corrected.

Updated T9

• 10 x 10 symbol table introduced.

• Launching symbol table could delete words. This has been corrected.

• When browsing to the web pages with text input field and keying in words, the very first letter might appear as a number. This has been corrected.

• Sometimes requesting a capital letter would result in a lower case letter being displayed. This has been corrected.


• Bluetooth serial port functionality has been improved. Users will need to install devices that use the serial port (GPS for Tomtom, Destinator, Copilot etc.) in a new way and these instructions will be posted on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.


• Updated Java client to latest version.



Edited by puckster
Guest gpcarreon (MVP)

Nice update...Thanks for the info puckster.

File beaming over Bluetooth

• It is now possible to beam files over Bluetooth using the file manager

...but I believe the update is only available to registered Club iMate members so just a friendly reminder, no live links or requests please. :idea:


Guest lapimate

Theres actually quite an impressive list of fixes etc:


Microsoft: 4.21.15045.0




SP3 Win Mob 2003 4.21.1088 14132 would check only one e-mail account automatically, being only whichever messaging account was last in the foreground (eg if the SMS account were in foreground no e-mail account would ever be checked!)

Are you able to report whether Microsoft build 4.21.15045.0 can check all e-mail accounts (eg. "private" & "work" accounts), and irrespective of which messaging account last viewed?


Guest asphire23

This is what it's written on my SP3i updates:

Latest update:

19/09/05 Release of updated operating system for all SP3i (900 MHz) devices

Guest Pondrew
The same update is available for i-mate SP3  :o


About time! I understand the SP3 didn't have Windows Media Player 10 until this update. The last Typhoon to get it if I'm not mistaken...

Guest kwyjibo

Does this update offer anything new/different to the latest QTEK ROM ?

From what I have seen it doesn't. I have the SP3I but flashed the Qtek rom

a while back. Is there any reason to change back?

Guest puckster
Does this update offer anything new/different to the latest QTEK ROM ?

From what I have seen it doesn't. I have the SP3I but flashed the Qtek rom

a while back. Is there any reason to change back?


I also had the QTek 8020 ROM installed on my SP3i but i personally found it to be of inferior quality when compared to the i-mate rom. I had several sms issues with several of my contacts and i know a lot of people had other issues with it as well.

Probably the most important reason to change back to the i-mate rom would be if anything happened to your device that required a warranty repair, the warranty would be null and void as you have installed another manufacturers rom on the device.

So in my opinion you would be better off installing the new SP3i rom but then again, my SP3i is now sitting on a shelf as i just upgraded to the K-JAM the same time i-mate released the SP3i update (i got sick of waiting and couldnt put up with the QTek issues)

Hope this helps you some.



Guest kwyjibo
I also had the QTek 8020 ROM installed on my SP3i but i personally found it to be of inferior quality when compared to the i-mate rom. I had several sms issues with several of my contacts and i know a lot of people had other issues with it as well.

Probably the most important reason to change back to the i-mate rom would be if anything happened to your device that required a warranty repair, the warranty would be null and void as you have installed another manufacturers rom on the device.

So in my opinion you would be better off installing the new SP3i rom but then again, my SP3i is now sitting on a shelf as i just upgraded to the K-JAM the same time i-mate released the SP3i update (i got sick of waiting and couldnt put up with the QTek issues)

Hope this helps you some.




Yeah I had do down/sidegrade when the vibrate died before I could take it to be fixed.

That was definitely a pain. What sms issues? I haven't had any problems with this rom.

File beaming over Bluetooth

• It is now possible to beam files over Bluetooth using the file manager

It seems this feature is still not working very well...

Sending files over bluetooth with SP3 is not so easy.


Guest tha_neo
Posted (edited)

actully I will try this one .Think it might work good! think my orange rom sucks. i´m using the french rom still:P but thought the uk version sucks too so i´ll try this one=) I trust those arabs hähä :o


Installed the new rom and just saw that after taking a picture you can choose send->beam file (over bluetooth). Well thats nice!! Lets just hope I can get all my sms back by using spritebackup...

Edited by tha_neo
Guest vodkacdo

can anyone help direct me to the website where i can register and get the ROM legally thanks

Guest oolinger
can anyone help direct me to the website where i can register and get the ROM legally thanks


if you have an iMate phone. you can do this on www.clubimate.com

you need your IMEI# of your phone and some personal data.

good luck, Olaf

Guest materick

anyone knows if a2dp stereo audio via bluetooth gateway has been added in this udpate?

really hope it has...... anyone?

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sbarlas

Just be aware though - this is waht i-mate have posted on their site :

Latest update

16/10/05 *** NOTE : We have received feedback from customers reporting that the third party Satellite Navigation software TomTom4 does not operate correctly after upgrading your device. If you use TomTom4, we recommend you do not upgrade at this time ***

It also stops Tom Tom 5 mobile working - so beware !! Once you've installed the ROM you can't go back to a previous version as i-mate have locked it down tight.

TomTom haven't released a fix as far as I can see.


I wonder when (if???) O2 are going to be doing the same thing?

Since the SP3i/QTek 8020/O2 xphone II are identical hardware...

I'd hate for all us O2 owners to be stuck without the new stuff as well ;)

Is there a way to cross-flash these devices, or is that forbidden to talk about here?

Guest Disco Stu

There is already plenty of information here on the subject but, since iMate & QTek both now require IMEI numbers to obtain the ROMs, we cannot allow members to post links to 'alternative' download locations nor to email / PM these ROMs to each other. Etc ;)

Please note that discussion of these ROMs may be interpreted as advertising possession of same and hence inviting other members to make requests for copies. Blah...

You will also notice the quantity of threads asking for help on how to revert to original software. ROM-swapping can turn into obsessive compulsive behaiour and there is rarely much to be gained from all the effort.

Guest puckster
Posted (edited)
There is already plenty of information here on the subject but, since iMate & QTek both now require IMEI numbers to obtain the ROMs, we cannot allow members to post links to 'alternative' download locations nor to email / PM these ROMs to each other. Etc  ;)

Please note that discussion of these ROMs may be interpreted as advertising possession of same and hence inviting other members to make requests for copies. Blah...

You will also notice the quantity of threads asking for help on how to revert to original software. ROM-swapping can turn into obsessive compulsive behaiour and there is rarely much to be gained from all the effort.


To add to this, some users have been unable to revert back to a valid manufacturers ROM. As installing one manufacturers ROM on another's device voids the warranty you may be in for trouble if you ever have to send the device back for warranty repair.



Edited by puckster
  • 1 month later...
Guest danielc

Hi All ,

I dont know if someone will be able to help me........Really Desperate .

I have a O2 Xphone II( xdaII )

I have been searching for the new os for it but cant seem to find it,

actually i need to format myphone as its going a little bizzar and all.

Could some body please save my phone.


Guest danielc

Hi All ,

I dont know if someone will be able to help me........Really Desperate .

I have a O2 Xphone II( xdaII )

I have been searching for the new os for it but cant seem to find it,

actually i need to format myphone as its going a little bizzar and all.

Could some body please save my phone.


  • 2 weeks later...

I downloaded from Imates site, but it would not run on my US version of the SP3I. Imate was no help, so I ended up using the TyphoonNbftool to edit the operator code, actually blank it out, so it would install on my SP3I version. An added benefit was gaining 900mhz over the 850mhz which it originally had.

I have heard that others have used the same technique to get the rom to work on other flavors of the Typhoon.

  • 3 months later...
Guest loit3r
I downloaded from Imates site, but it would not run on my US version of the SP3I.  Imate was no help, so I ended up using the TyphoonNbftool to edit the operator code, actually blank it out, so it would install on my SP3I version.  An added benefit was gaining 900mhz over the 850mhz which it originally had.


Just wondering if you know for sure that you gained 900mhz. Were you able to use the phone outside north america, where only 900mhz is available? Thanks.

Guest dcalisse
I downloaded from Imates site, but it would not run on my US version of the SP3I.  Imate was no help, so I ended up using the TyphoonNbftool to edit the operator code, actually blank it out, so it would install on my SP3I version.  An added benefit was gaining 900mhz over the 850mhz which it originally had. 

I have heard that others have used the same technique to get the rom to work on other flavors of the Typhoon.


hi 2phast ,

can it work with the xphone 2 ?????

Guest dcalisse
To add to this, some users have been unable to revert back to a valid manufacturers ROM. As installing one manufacturers ROM on another's device voids the warranty you may be in for trouble if you ever have to send the device back for warranty repair.




Hi Chris i wanted to ask you as you seem to be the man with all the question ,

i have an x phone 2 i wanted to know is there any way i could obtain the

latest version os for my phone .?

like they are saying you have to modify some number and that will do the trick

are there any guidelines any suggestions for me????

Would be more than gratefull if you could help

  • 4 months later...
I downloaded from Imates site, but it would not run on my US version of the SP3I. Imate was no help, so I ended up using the TyphoonNbftool to edit the operator code, actually blank it out, so it would install on my SP3I version. An added benefit was gaining 900mhz over the 850mhz which it originally had.

I have heard that others have used the same technique to get the rom to work on other flavors of the Typhoon.

I've heard that the 850/900 is a hardware thing, are you sure you didn't lose the 850Mhz band by using the EU firmware?

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