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M5000 battery rundown

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Guest afhstingray

2hours 40mins

that was how long the M5000 survived.

Conditions of test:

streaming London's Heart 106.2 over WiFi, access point in the same room, wireless settings at max power save

the phone was on, and the display was at max brightness

out of the time, 18 mins was spent talking over UMTS on speakerphone under max brightness

during the test, some activity was also done...tapping, opening menus...etc

observations: during the test, all connectivity failed at one point, (usual bug with this thing.....loses wifi, cant connect to mobile network unless flight mode is cycled or phone is reset)

if im not mistaken this happened about 40 mins into the test

Guest rickyburke

i never lose my wifi connection unless i go out of range, also 2 hours 40 minutes is quite good really, how many high spec laptops streaming music over the internet and being constantly used can last that long? not many.

Guest afhstingray

the losing connectivity thing i've seen people complaining about on various forums. but when it happened to me during the test it was the first and only time so far its happened to me, although once in a while the thing loses network and goes to "searching" for quite a while. this happens in my room, where i've never had this problem with my spv c500

yes 2hr40min is pretty good for a torture test where the wifi is constantly transrecieving and the processor, sound system etc are loaded.

hehe my dell inspiron 8600 centrino laptop lasts 4.5hours at mid brightness playing music and connected to wlan

observations: during the test, all connectivity failed at one point, (usual bug with this thing.....loses wifi, cant connect to mobile network unless flight mode is cycled or phone is reset)

Is this the same problem as the M500 had? It sounds the same. That being the case try temporarily removing the caller display app from the startup folder and reboot the phone. Does the problem still occur?

erm..... what is the caller display app....?

Sorry I am making assumptions here, Im not even sure that the M5000 comes with the same caller display software as the M500. On the M500 the latest version of AI Caller ID was installed. This is the app that displays callers pictures etc when they ring you. Its part of the operator rom installed by Orange.

On the M500 it was the latest version of this app that was causing the GPRS conection problems. You had to cycle flight mode or reset the device to get it to work a second time.

I dont know if the M5000 uses AI Caller Display but I would imagine that it does.

You could try temporarily removing this IA_CD-Startup.exe from \Windows\Startup on your M5000 and reset the device. This will mean that Caller ID isnt running and you can see if this fixes the problem if so you can try this:

1. Download the older version of caller-id from:

ftp://xda:[email protected] Link.com/Blue...ID_1.20_WWE.CAB

and transfer it over to your device. Any directory is OK. I used ActiveSync to put it into the My Documents folder.

2. Remove the file IA_CD-Startup.exe from \Windows\Startup on your device.

3. Rename iacontacts.dll to something else (e.g. old-iacontacts.dll). This file is in the \Windows directory of your device but is hidden. However you can rename it using your PC. Open Windows explorer, and navigate to Mobile Device>My PocketPC>Windows.

4. Rename displayCID.dll to something else (e.g. old-displayCID.dll). Access it via your PC the same as for the previous step.

5. Soft reset

6. Run the CAB file on the device - just tap on it.

7. Soft reset.

That should do it.

Guest afhstingray
Sorry I am making assumptions here, Im not even sure that the M5000 comes with the same caller display software as the M500. On the M500 the latest version of AI Caller ID was installed. This is the app that displays callers pictures etc when they ring you.  Its part of the operator rom installed by Orange.

On the M500 it was the latest version of this app that was causing the GPRS conection problems. You had to cycle flight mode or reset the device to get it to work a second time.

I dont know if the M5000 uses AI Caller Display but I would imagine that it does.

You could try temporarily removing this IA_CD-Startup.exe from \Windows\Startup on your M5000 and reset the device. This will mean that Caller ID isnt running and you can see if this fixes the problem if so you can try this:


if im not mistaken, wm5 has its own picture caller id.....

if im not mistaken, wm5 has its own picture caller id.....

Could well do, I wont have my M5000 until tomorrow!

Guest afhstingray

good luck with it!

the os is great, but not ready......i find myself longing for a rom update that fixes all the irritating bugs!!!

Guest Pondrew
good luck with it!

the os is great, but not ready......i find myself longing for a rom update that fixes all the irritating bugs!!!


Ouch :?: Orange are NOT great when it comes to releasing updates for their Pocket PC Phones. Think the last one they released was an M1000 rom a LONG time ago)

Guest afhstingray

they have to release an update with the push email and new features for exchange server...........like the remote wiping etc

Guest Larnsky
they have to release an update with the push email and new features for exchange server...........like the remote wiping etc


I wondered if you could do that remote wiping from watching that video clip microsoft released!

they have to release an update with the push email and new features for exchange server...........like the remote wiping etc

I suspect that Orange will be very slow to release this and that we'll have to get it from MS instead.

Seems strange that MS have released SP2 and have pushed it so hard yet to really make the best of it we need the PPC update which wont be out until Feb next year.

Guest rhaleuk
good luck with it!

the os is great, but not ready......i find myself longing for a rom update that fixes all the irritating bugs!!!


I think that is wishful thinking frankly. If the device isn't upto expectations now I doubt a minor ROM update will totally remove the issues you are experiencing. And that is presuming that Orange will release a ROM update... something I would not hold my breath for.

Guest afhstingray

when i had my mda III it had just been released and had some really horrible bugs. within 2 months there was an update (i mate) then after a week or so there was a update ffrm o2.

i dont know abt orange and t mobile, because i sold the device soon after the o2 rom was released..............

having said that, as buggy as it was at first, it was no where near as buggy as this device is.....................................

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