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Bad qaulity SKYPE

Guest vampyre69

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Guest gilesjuk
Why is the latency and qaulity on skype soooo bad and slooow wherever im using it?


Slow code, probably not well optimised for mobile processors. I don't get all this "processor not fast enough" junk. You can't tell me Skype requires more CPU power than something like quake?

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Guest afhstingray

go to the pocketpc forum on the skype website, and you can find version 1.2 beta or something like that.....its highly optimized, some people even managed to get it running fine on the crappy ipaq phone...

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Guest Disco Stu

From Geekzone :

article & links here

As posted before this week we had four different Windows Mobile 5.0 devices arriving here: i-mate Jasjar, i-mate SP5, i-mate K-Jam, Telecom New Zealand Apache.

The i-mate Pocket PC devices come with "value-added" software pre-installed, including CA Antivirus and Skype for Pocket PC.

When I tried Skype with the original ROM version something strange happened: none of my contacts were showing. The list was empty and the "You have no contacts" was showing.

Following the advice of a fellow MVP (Steve "fyiguy Hughes from bostonpocket.com) I removed the pre-installed Skype client, then downloaded the latest Skype client for Pocket PC and manually copied the .cab file to my device.

I then installed this new version (simply find the .cab file on File Explorer and tap on it to install) and all is working fine!

Please, i-mate, make sure you update the Skype version you are distributing, because the one in current ROM is not working!

FYI, the ROM on my i-mate Jasjar is 1.13.53 WWE, ExtROM 1.13.137 WWE. On the i-mate K-Jam I have ROM and ExtROM

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Guest vampyre69
go to the pocketpc forum on the skype website, and you can find version 1.2 beta or something like that.....its highly optimized, some people even managed to get it running fine on the crappy ipaq phone...


ok so er ahem which one...

XScale optimized version or generic ARM version???

also is there a direct cab file link as im using a mac (cough)

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Guest afhstingray

as far as i can see both of them are cabs that install on the device itself

if you had read the post you'd know that the xscale one was obviously for the universal, since its using and intel xscale processor, and the generic arm one is for devices using freescale, samsung, texas instruments etc.... processors

when all else fails read the instructions ;)

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Guest rhaleuk

If it helps I installed the beta version today and it is MUCH more stable than before. I still dont think it is designed for WM5 (certainly not VGA) but it was good enough to keep installed. Unlike before.

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Pocket Skype runs just fine on my M5000 - except that its impossible to assign a decent ring tone to the incoming messages/connection - all that is available is a selection of inaudible alert tones. Useless - as are many functions of the M5000.....

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest glynton

I can't get skype to run on my M5000 at all... I first of all installed the Pocket PC version available from their main website, that didn't work... it installed but when i tried to click it it wouldn't open. I then discovered there was a 1.2 beta version, so i uninstalled the old version and installed this new one, but it has exactly the same problem. And now it doesn't uninstall properly.

Any help?


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