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Remember the old Pirazu program which simulated a mouse pointer and let u control it with the d-pad? The authors page is now down, but did anyone ever download the source code?

I'd very much like to port it to the SP5 and link it to a key. Eg. hold it down for 3 seconds to make the pointer appear, and again to dissapear.

Anyone got it?


nevermind i just realised he never posted the source.. i'll code it myself!

  • 4 weeks later...

Well after some dissasembling and hex editing of FakeCursor, i think i almost have a workable solution. I just logged into SkyPe without needing a computer.. Just used the D-pad to control the 'virtual pointer' and logged in!

I'll post some working files once i cleaned it up :)

Well after some dissasembling and hex editing of FakeCursor, i think i almost have a workable solution.  I just logged into SkyPe without needing a computer.. Just used the D-pad to control the 'virtual pointer' and logged in!

I'll post some working files once i cleaned it up :)


Nice one !! how does skype work? which ver of skype are you using?


Hey, a virtual pointer could be very useful :)

Nice work kam_... When can we try it out.

Guest namiran

would be Really intressted in this program! please share! =)



I changed the FakeCourser back to the noscreen PPC one for now. I thought it would be safer untill i confirm my modded one doesnt have memory leaks.

Here's some notes..

When you run FakeCursor, it virtually holds down the WIN + LSHIFT key and this makes all your other buttons stop working! (This is one thing i'm hex editiing, but its a bit tricky without a coredll.dll to see the imports on ida). So to get back to normal you need to shut down FakeCursor. This isn't as bad as it sounds...

Curently, the home key or running FakeCursor again will shut it down.

So i decided the best way to make this work is to assign FakeCursor to a hardware key.

Press key - mouse appears, use the mouse,

press key - mouse dissapears, use your phone like normal

For me the best key was the voice note one because i never use this function (hold down the COM manager key - top left side key). Unfortunately this isn't useable outside the homescreen, as its not a global hardware hotkey.

So instead - for now i've mapped it to the COM Manager key, and mapped the voice note one to the COM Manager. To be clear:


Tap side key - COM MANAGER

Hold Side key (home screen only) - voice notes


Tap side key - mouse on/mouse off

Hold Side key (home screen only) - COM MANAGER

I think this is a good enough compramise for now.

How to install/use it?


- Remap COM button to FakeCursor:

Place FakeCursor.exe and Short_POC.lnk into \windows

(Overwrite your old Short_POC.lnk, i've incuded the original in the zip just in case).

- Remap Voice Notes to COM MANAGER:

Browse to:


Rename 1 to 1old

make a new string.



Now tap side button to make mouse appear. Use dpad and action button to click. Tap side button to make mouse dissapear



- Remap COM Button to COM MANAGER

Delete \Windows\FakeCursor.exe

Rename 'Original Short_POC.lnk' to 'Short_POC.lnk' and copy to \windows

- Remap Voice notes key back to voice notes



Delete key '1'

Rename key 1old to '1'

Problems/Bugs/Things to be fixed


Right now this is an unmodified FakeCursorPPC with no settings screen.

When you exit the cursor with the side button, (or the home button) it takes you back to the homescreen. I'm working on a fix on this - hopefully directly in the FakeCursor, worst case with a wrapper.

Agreed it makes it anoying to use right now!

Right now it holds down LSHIFT and WIN keys which means you have to make the mouse dissapear before you can use any of your keys. This is real anoying when you click in a test box and can't type right away. Together with it taking u to the homescreen each time its damn irritating!

I'm working on this one too. It was originally made for CE 3, the HPC devices with keyboards. That one worked with LSHIFT + WIN + direction keys. This one has just been hard coded to simulate the LSHIFT and WIN key press.



Use the PPC version so you can have voice!. The cab won't install, you will need to extract the file with something like WinCE Cab manager. If you don't have Cab manager, then just use winzip and rename the files:

000Boing.002 -> Boing.wav

000Skype.001 -> Skype.exe

SKYPED~1.003 -> SkypeDialer.dll

Just put all 3 files into a directory on your SD card. (the 4th files isn't needed).

I've succesfully made calls with it, but the dialogs are too big and it looks kinda ugly. A resource editor could fix that nicesly if some has the time to do it for every dialog.

I'll keep you posted on how my modified version is coming.


Guest Jamma14

Hi kam_,

is this likely to work on WM2003se devices or is it just for WM5.0 smartphones?

Guest tha_neo

hi man!

Trying your program but it says "this program is from unknown" and so on. the thing is that i can´t press the yes button to accept this. how do I do??

Guest stemill

You need to start FakeCursor once using the file manager. You should be able to click yes to the usual security warning. After you've done this once you won't get asked again and FakeCursor works fine from the shortcut key

Guest tha_neo

nice man=)

You need to start FakeCursor once using the file manager. You should be able to click yes to the usual security warning. After you've done this once you won't get asked again and FakeCursor works fine from the shortcut key


Hi kam_,

is this likely to work on WM2003se devices or is it just for WM5.0 smartphones?


On WM2003 you should be able to use Pirazu (or Pen Irazu). Search on google!

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest royrov

i have installed skype and fakecursor now... i'm trying to install the "shortcuts", but all the files in the windows folder on my Qtek 8310 is "read only". so i can't install/edit/remove the original shortcut...

can anyone help ?

Guest jwatto

I have the same problem as royrov.

Jirisrba: unlock the phone ? Will that help?

I have also a problem finding:


I can't find this directory anywhere


Guest Silverman

Hi there, i will try to resize Skype dialogs in resource editor.


2 kam_

Thank you very much, indeed.

It will be great to add copy/paste function!

Guest harrysaab

nice one mate

the mouse appears but i can't click anything, you said click on action key but which one is action key? i tried both keys below Start and the one below Contact key. none work, so i can't click anything :-(

please help



I changed the FakeCourser back to the noscreen PPC one for now.  I thought it would be safer untill i confirm my modded one doesnt have memory leaks.

Here's some notes..

When you run FakeCursor, it virtually holds down the WIN + LSHIFT key and this makes all your other buttons stop working! (This is one thing i'm hex editiing, but its a bit tricky without a coredll.dll to see the imports on ida).  So to get back to normal you need to shut down FakeCursor.  This isn't as bad as it sounds...

Curently, the home key or running FakeCursor again will shut it down.

So i decided the best way to make this work is to assign FakeCursor to a hardware key. 

Press key - mouse appears, use the mouse,

press key - mouse dissapears, use your phone like normal

For me the best key was the voice note one because i never use this function (hold down the COM manager key - top left side key).  Unfortunately this isn't useable outside the homescreen, as its not a global hardware hotkey.

So instead - for now i've mapped it to the COM Manager key, and mapped the voice note one to the COM Manager.  To be clear:


Tap side key - COM MANAGER

Hold Side key (home screen only) - voice notes


Tap side key - mouse on/mouse off

Hold Side key (home screen only) - COM MANAGER

I think this is a good enough compramise for now.

How to install/use it?


- Remap COM button to FakeCursor:

Place FakeCursor.exe and Short_POC.lnk into \windows

(Overwrite your old Short_POC.lnk, i've incuded the original in the zip just in case).

- Remap Voice Notes to COM MANAGER:

Browse to:


Rename 1 to 1old

make a new string.



Now tap side button to make mouse appear.  Use dpad and action button to click.  Tap side button to make mouse dissapear



- Remap COM Button to COM MANAGER

Delete \Windows\FakeCursor.exe

Rename 'Original Short_POC.lnk' to 'Short_POC.lnk' and copy to \windows

- Remap Voice notes key back to voice notes



Delete key '1'

Rename key 1old to '1'

Problems/Bugs/Things to be fixed


Right now this is an unmodified FakeCursorPPC with no settings screen.

When you exit the cursor with the side button, (or the home button) it takes you back to the homescreen.  I'm working on a fix on this - hopefully directly in the FakeCursor, worst case with a wrapper.

Agreed it makes it anoying to use right now!

Right now it holds down LSHIFT and WIN keys which means you have to make the mouse dissapear before you can use any of your keys.  This is real anoying when you click in a test box and can't type right away.  Together with it taking u to the homescreen each time its damn irritating!

I'm working on this one too.  It was originally made for CE 3, the HPC devices with keyboards.  That one worked with LSHIFT + WIN + direction keys.  This one has just been hard coded to simulate the LSHIFT and WIN key press.



Use the PPC version so you can have voice!.  The cab won't install, you will need to extract the file with something like WinCE Cab manager.  If you don't have Cab manager, then just use winzip and rename the files:

000Boing.002 -> Boing.wav

000Skype.001 -> Skype.exe

SKYPED~1.003 -> SkypeDialer.dll

Just put all 3 files into a directory on your SD card.  (the 4th files isn't needed).

I've succesfully made calls with it, but the dialogs are too big and it looks kinda ugly.  A resource editor could fix that nicesly if some has the time to do it for every dialog.

I'll keep you posted on how my modified version is coming.


nice one mate

the mouse appears but i can't click anything, you said click on action key but which one is action key?  i tried both keys below Start and the one below Contact key. none work, so i can't click anything :-(

please help



the action key is the one when you press the joystick in. Its the same thing you use to 'click' on items in the start menu when using the joystick normally!!

Guest MitchellO
Hi there, i will try to resize Skype dialogs in resource editor.


I tried this and it doesn't work. The app won't start on the phone.

Guest harrysaab

well it doesn't work wen i press the joystick in on start button and even tried clickin on windows logo.


the action key is the one when you press the joystick in.  Its the same thing you use to 'click' on items in the start menu when using the joystick normally!!



The start button doesnt respond to click events. You need to try it in a program which does. That means a PPC program, but also alot of smartphone programs respond to clicks because developers usually cross compile the same code.


Hi Kam_, I am truly thankful for this Fakecursor you have written. I am mainly using it to listen to Real Player on my sp5 as Real Networks refuses to release a smartphone version of the player… :)

You see, everything works fine except one thing. The seek functionality requires the user to click and drag/drop the seek point. Currently dragging functionality is not available in the Fakecursor you have written. That's due to the click button being assigned to Navi Enter key which can NOT be used simultaneously while moving the Navi around. Would it be possible to change the click button to the '1' key? That way I can click '1' to grab the seek point and use the navi to move to the right and let go of '1' to drop. Better yet, if you could make the click button customizable, that would be the best!

Thanks in advance,


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