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I didn't actually write this program.. It was originally written for PPC devices with keyboards, so the cursor was activated by pressing SHIFT + WIN + direction_keys. This inherently means that devices without SHIFT+WIN keys won't work with this program..

The original version didn't work on most WM5 devices, and those it did, it didnt work usefully. I've emailed the author several times but never got a response, so i had no source code to modify!

Fortunately i can program in 12 different languages including assembly for many different cores - so i used IDA to dissasemble the exe to mnemonics and modify it as best i could.

The original program lets you define keys for quite a few events including:


Hold Click

Double Click


Right Click

So at the least its relatively trivial for me to assign keys for these events. Any further events will need relocating some of the code to make space for the changes. This can be done, but it may take some time.

If you want to suggest keys for the above events i can make the changes. Please think about it, and decide which will most likely work the best because its a real pain editing the exe directly - so i'd rather not have to change it again!

Anyway let me know and i'll see what i can do.

Posted (edited)

how do you delete a post???

Edited by G35C

Would it be possible to assign the events you mention to the keypad keys as follows?

Click -------------- 1/Navi Enter

Hold Click -------- 2

Double Click ----- 3

Drag -------------- 4

Right Click -------- 5

I don’t understand how the Drag event works. Can you explain?

I really appreciate your work man!


i'll see if i can do it some time this week..

drag event is for phones where u can't press two keys at once. In that case u would do this:

Press drag key

release drag key [this acts like you are holding the click button still]

now u move around using direction keys

Press drag key again to release click

release drag key

Its not ideal, but afaik its not necesery on the SP5, only phones which don't allow multipress.

Posted (edited)

Ok in that case, the drag functionality is more important and should be mapped closer to the Navi button.

Revised mapping:

Click --------------- 1/Navi Enter

Drag -------------- 2

Double Click ----- 3

Hold Click ------- 4

Right Click -------- 5

Thanks m8! 8)

Edited by G35C
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hello kam_, how would I remap this to the Camera button instead? (I find the Com button useful, but dont use the camera)

Also I don't have HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSNOTES for some reason, EDIT: Solved this one - see below

- Remap COM button to FakeCursor:

Place FakeCursor.exe and Short_POC.lnk into \windows

(Overwrite your old Short_POC.lnk, i've incuded the original in the zip just in case).

- Remap Voice Notes to COM MANAGER:

Browse to:


Rename 1 to 1old

make a new string.



Now tap side button to make mouse appear.  Use dpad and action button to click.  Tap side button to make mouse dissapear

Edited by kc1


Did you mean ":MSTNOTES" instead of ":MSNOTES"?

That seems to have done the trick for me. It works nicely.

One question though:

When you tap the button again, to turn off fakecursor, it always seems to go back to the home screen. Is there there a way to get it to stay on the page you're currently on when you switch off the cursor?




I also wanted to use the camera button, but couldnt get it to work way back then. I think other people have posted how to remap the camera, so you should be able to find a thread on here about it.

The going back to the homescreen is hard coded into the exe. I've been trying to remove it, but it seems to be something to do with how apps exit on WM5. I have to hook in another API (through assembly *yuk*) to pass focus to the previous window id. I've been too busy recently to look at this, but worry not, changes are planned.



I also wanted to use the camera button, but couldnt get it to work way back then. I think other people have posted how to remap the camera, so you should be able to find a thread on here about it.

The going back to the homescreen is hard coded into the exe. I've been trying to remove it, but it seems to be something to do with how apps exit on WM5. I have to hook in another API (through assembly *yuk*) to pass focus to the previous window id. I've been too busy recently to look at this, but worry not, changes are planned.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest illumin8

I changed the FakeCourser back to the noscreen PPC one for now.  I thought it would be safer untill i confirm my modded one doesnt have memory leaks.

Here's some notes..

When you run FakeCursor, it virtually holds down the WIN + LSHIFT key and this makes all your other buttons stop working! (This is one thing i'm hex editiing, but its a bit tricky without a coredll.dll to see the imports on ida).  So to get back to normal you need to shut down FakeCursor.  This isn't as bad as it sounds...

Curently, the home key or running FakeCursor again will shut it down.

So i decided the best way to make this work is to assign FakeCursor to a hardware key. 

Press key - mouse appears, use the mouse,

press key - mouse dissapears, use your phone like normal

For me the best key was the voice note one because i never use this function (hold down the COM manager key - top left side key).  Unfortunately this isn't useable outside the homescreen, as its not a global hardware hotkey.

So instead - for now i've mapped it to the COM Manager key, and mapped the voice note one to the COM Manager.  To be clear:


Tap side key - COM MANAGER

Hold Side key (home screen only) - voice notes


Tap side key - mouse on/mouse off

Hold Side key (home screen only) - COM MANAGER

I think this is a good enough compramise for now.

How to install/use it?


- Remap COM button to FakeCursor:

Place FakeCursor.exe and Short_POC.lnk into \windows

(Overwrite your old Short_POC.lnk, i've incuded the original in the zip just in case).

- Remap Voice Notes to COM MANAGER:

Browse to:


Rename 1 to 1old

make a new string.



Now tap side button to make mouse appear.  Use dpad and action button to click.  Tap side button to make mouse dissapear



- Remap COM Button to COM MANAGER

Delete \Windows\FakeCursor.exe

Rename 'Original Short_POC.lnk' to 'Short_POC.lnk' and copy to \windows

- Remap Voice notes key back to voice notes



Delete key '1'

Rename key 1old to '1'

Problems/Bugs/Things to be fixed


Right now this is an unmodified FakeCursorPPC with no settings screen.

When you exit the cursor with the side button, (or the home button) it takes you back to the homescreen.  I'm working on a fix on this - hopefully directly in the FakeCursor, worst case with a wrapper.

Agreed it makes it anoying to use right now!

Right now it holds down LSHIFT and WIN keys which means you have to make the mouse dissapear before you can use any of your keys.  This is real anoying when you click in a test box and can't type right away.  Together with it taking u to the homescreen each time its damn irritating!

I'm working on this one too.  It was originally made for CE 3, the HPC devices with keyboards.  That one worked with LSHIFT + WIN + direction keys.  This one has just been hard coded to simulate the LSHIFT and WIN key press.



Use the PPC version so you can have voice!.  The cab won't install, you will need to extract the file with something like WinCE Cab manager.  If you don't have Cab manager, then just use winzip and rename the files:

000Boing.002 -> Boing.wav

000Skype.001 -> Skype.exe

SKYPED~1.003 -> SkypeDialer.dll

Just put all 3 files into a directory on your SD card.  (the 4th files isn't needed).

I've succesfully made calls with it, but the dialogs are too big and it looks kinda ugly.  A resource editor could fix that nicesly if some has the time to do it for every dialog.

I'll keep you posted on how my modified version is coming.


kam_, Skype on SP5M sorted! Thanks very much.


Guest coolius


i was hoping you could just explain this step a little more clearly, ive got the reg editor and all, just need some clarification before i start messing with stuff:

Rename 1 to 1old

make a new string.




  • 3 weeks later...
Guest justinbwill

Complete Instructions On How To Install Skype On The T-Mobile SDA

1. Download Skype for the PPC (www.skype.com). You will need to save the .CAB file to your desktop. Then extract it with winzip.

2. You then need to rename the files as I have below. You don’t do anything with any of the other files that get extracted.

000Boing.002 -> Boing.wav

000Skype.001 -> Skype.exe

SKYPED~1.003 -> SkypeDialer.dll

3. Since the usability of Skype is based on the speed of your processor you will need to over clock the processor. I have tested this program and made phone calls with and without over clocking the SDA. With no over clocking there is a 3 second lag in voice from SDA to PC, and about 20 seconds from SDA to Landline. When I over clocked the processor to 240mhz there was no delay from SDA to PC, and about 1 second from SDA to Landline.

Download the over clock program here http://forum.xda-developers.com/download.php?id=9181 (you must register to be able to see the program…takes 2 seconds)

4. Now put all 4 files (including the over clocking program) in Windows directory of the phone either copying them from your memory card to that directory or by the same instructions as below for the shortcut..

5. Now since I never use T-Zones I edited that shortcut to launch Skype by doing this:

Open a new notepad file. Paste this in the file 19#WindowsSkype.exe (there should be forward slashes between the # and the W and between the s and S. This forum doesn't allow that character... sorry ..=)

Save the file as Short_AP1.lnk (make sure you choose all files or it will save it as a text.)

6. Create a new folder on your desktop called “Windows”

7. Put the shortcut file in that folder.

8. Now sync your SDA. Open up the file explorer in active sync. Drag the Windows folder you created onto “My Windows Based Mobile Device”. It will ask you if you want to replace all the files in that folder. You will choose yes. Then you will chose overwrite. If it doesn’t ask you to overwrite the file, then you didn’t save the .lnk file correctly,

9. Now you will have to download Pocket Controller Pro. You will need this because you have to actually tap the sign in button and you don’t have a touch screen on your SDA.


10. Now download Skype on your PC. You will need to create a login name and etc. Now since Skye wasn’t made for a non-touch screen PDA, you will need to add contacts for landline numbers so you will be able to call them from your phone. YOU MUST PUT A “+” IN FROMT OF THE AREA CODE OR COUNTY CODE. (+14055551212) Otherwise you can’t dial on the SDA using the Skype dialer. You can only call your “contacts” I only use Skype to call a landline number in South Africa, so it didn’t bother me.

10.Just install it the controller above and run it after you registered with Skype. Also go ahead and run the over clocking program and over clock your processor to 240 MHz (No higher!)

11. After you have your WIFI connection established, hit your T-Zones button and launch Skype. It will ask you to log in. This is where you will need to use the Controller above to do so. Once you do this once you can check the box that says automatically log me in. Then you will never need to do this again.

12. Now use the dpad joystick to select your contact and press down… this will dial them. Then press down again to hang up..


Guest PascalW
Complete Instructions On How To Install Skype On The T-Mobile SDA

1. Download Skype for the PPC (www.skype.com). You will need to save the .CAB file to your desktop. Then extract it with winzip.

2. You then need to rename the files as I have below. You don’t do anything with any of the other files that get extracted.

000Boing.002 -> Boing.wav

000Skype.001 -> Skype.exe

SKYPED~1.003 -> SkypeDialer.dll

3. Since the usability of Skype is based on the speed of your processor you will need to over clock the processor. I have tested this program and made phone calls with and without over clocking the SDA. With no over clocking there is a 3 second lag in voice from SDA to PC, and about 20 seconds from SDA to Landline. When I over clocked the processor to 240mhz there was no delay from SDA to PC, and about 1 second from SDA to Landline.

Download the over clock program here http://forum.xda-developers.com/download.php?id=9181 (you must register to be able to see the program…takes 2 seconds)

4. Now put all 4 files (including the over clocking program) in Windows directory of the phone either copying them from your memory card to that directory or by the same instructions as below for the shortcut..

5. Now since I never use T-Zones I edited that shortcut to launch Skype by doing this:

Open a new notepad file. Paste this in the file 19#WindowsSkype.exe (there should be forward slashes between the # and the W and between the s and S. This forum doesn't allow that character... sorry ..=)

Save the file as Short_AP1.lnk (make sure you choose all files or it will save it as a text.)

6. Create a new folder on your desktop called “Windows”

7. Put the shortcut file in that folder.

8. Now sync your SDA. Open up the file explorer in active sync. Drag the Windows folder you created onto “My Windows Based Mobile Device”. It will ask you if you want to replace all the files in that folder. You will choose yes. Then you will chose overwrite. If it doesn’t ask you to overwrite the file, then you didn’t save the .lnk file correctly,

9. Now you will have to download Pocket Controller Pro. You will need this because you have to actually tap the sign in button and you don’t have a touch screen on your SDA.


10. Now download Skype on your PC. You will need to create a login name and etc. Now since Skye wasn’t made for a non-touch screen PDA, you will need to add contacts for landline numbers so you will be able to call them from your phone. YOU MUST PUT A “+” IN FROMT OF THE AREA CODE OR COUNTY CODE. (+14055551212) Otherwise you can’t dial on the SDA using the Skype dialer. You can only call your “contacts” I only use Skype to call a landline number in South Africa, so it didn’t bother me.

10.Just install it the controller above and run it after you registered with Skype. Also go ahead and run the over clocking program and over clock your processor to 240 MHz (No higher!)

11. After you have your WIFI connection established, hit your T-Zones button and launch Skype. It will ask you to log in. This is where you will need to use the Controller above to do so. Once you do this once you can check the box that says automatically log me in. Then you will never need to do this again.

12. Now use the dpad joystick to select your contact and press down… this will dial them. Then press down again to hang up..



Could it be done on a overclocked mpx200? (running @144Mhz)



I've been checking this page everyday for the past month for the updated version of fakecursor, but no luck. ;)

Hopefully you'll get a chance to work on it soon.



I also wanted to use the camera button, but couldnt get it to work way back then.  I think other people have posted how to remap the camera, so you should be able to find a thread on here about it.

The going back to the homescreen is hard coded into the exe.  I've been trying to remove it, but it seems to be something to do with how apps exit on WM5.  I have to hook in another API (through assembly *yuk*) to pass focus to the previous window id.  I've been too busy recently to look at this, but worry not, changes are planned.


Guest looeee
I've been checking this page everyday for the past month

you're not the only one


you're not the only one



I don't get it. My SP5 works fine without overclocking and with kam_'s fake cursor and reg hacks, as described here. Are you guys doings lots of transatlantic skype calls or something?

Guest coolius

skype uses the same amount of processing power wherever your calling, thats half the point of voip.

Guest looeee

That program doesn't appear to offer any of the features you were proposing.

Hold Click

Double Click


Right Click

You can't wriggle out that easy mate ;)

That program doesn't appear to offer any of the features you were proposing.

Hold Click

Double Click


Right Click

You can't wriggle out that easy mate ;)



Well it does double click and right click. It might be worth contacting him to add hold click and drag tho.

Guest v4victory
hi man!

Trying your program but it says "this program is from unknown" and so on. the thing is that i can´t press the yes button to accept this. how do I do??


Even the Microsoft programs it says unknown publisher ;)

Guest v4victory
Complete Instructions On How To Install Skype On The T-Mobile SDA

1. Download Skype for the PPC (www.skype.com). You will need to save the .CAB file to your desktop. Then extract it with winzip.

2. You then need to rename the files as I have below. You don’t do anything with any of the other files that get extracted.

000Boing.002 -> Boing.wav

000Skype.001 -> Skype.exe

SKYPED~1.003 -> SkypeDialer.dll

3. Since the usability of Skype is based on the speed of your processor you will need to over clock the processor. I have tested this program and made phone calls with and without over clocking the SDA. With no over clocking there is a 3 second lag in voice from SDA to PC, and about 20 seconds from SDA to Landline. When I over clocked the processor to 240mhz there was no delay from SDA to PC, and about 1 second from SDA to Landline.

Download the over clock program here http://forum.xda-developers.com/download.php?id=9181 (you must register to be able to see the program…takes 2 seconds)

4. Now put all 4 files (including the over clocking program) in Windows directory of the phone either copying them from your memory card to that directory or by the same instructions as below for the shortcut..

5. Now since I never use T-Zones I edited that shortcut to launch Skype by doing this:

Open a new notepad file. Paste this in the file 19#WindowsSkype.exe (there should be forward slashes between the # and the W and between the s and S. This forum doesn't allow that character... sorry ..=)

Save the file as Short_AP1.lnk (make sure you choose all files or it will save it as a text.)

6. Create a new folder on your desktop called “Windows”

7. Put the shortcut file in that folder.

8. Now sync your SDA. Open up the file explorer in active sync. Drag the Windows folder you created onto “My Windows Based Mobile Device”. It will ask you if you want to replace all the files in that folder. You will choose yes. Then you will chose overwrite. If it doesn’t ask you to overwrite the file, then you didn’t save the .lnk file correctly,

9. Now you will have to download Pocket Controller Pro. You will need this because you have to actually tap the sign in button and you don’t have a touch screen on your SDA.


10. Now download Skype on your PC. You will need to create a login name and etc. Now since Skye wasn’t made for a non-touch screen PDA, you will need to add contacts for landline numbers so you will be able to call them from your phone. YOU MUST PUT A “+” IN FROMT OF THE AREA CODE OR COUNTY CODE. (+14055551212) Otherwise you can’t dial on the SDA using the Skype dialer. You can only call your “contacts” I only use Skype to call a landline number in South Africa, so it didn’t bother me.

10.Just install it the controller above and run it after you registered with Skype. Also go ahead and run the over clocking program and over clock your processor to 240 MHz (No higher!)

11. After you have your WIFI connection established, hit your T-Zones button and launch Skype. It will ask you to log in. This is where you will need to use the Controller above to do so. Once you do this once you can check the box that says automatically log me in. Then you will never need to do this again.

12. Now use the dpad joystick to select your contact and press down… this will dial them. Then press down again to hang up..



Nice One Justin Thanks

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest murse

Great work. Helped me use a PPC app to get rid of an annoying startup message on my SDA. Thanks!

  • 2 months later...
Guest swynn97

Did you ever make any more progress with this program, and/or skype? I have everything working on a t-mobile SDA, but exiting the fake cursor returns to the home page, and also i could not re-format skype in a resource editor. Wonder how far you got.- Simon

Guest tamanaco
It seems someone else has made a very full featured cursor emulator:


Saves me the work of hacking fakecursor to add features !

Is anyone using SPHelper on a Qtek 8310? I installed SPHelper Ver 1.1 in my 8310, but I can not get it to start. I keep getting Error Code 1400 something about being unable to register the hotkey as is being used by another program. I don't know what number corresponds to specifics keys as I tried to modify the .ini. I closed all the running apps via task manager. Can someone post the curresponding number codes for each key on the 8310 keypad or post an SPHelper.ini that works with the Qtek 8310?

I also looked at Fakecursor, but as I unpacked it; I only found ARM and MIPS executables. Anyone found a version of Fakecursor that works on the 8310?


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