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No videos on Orange WAP with M5000

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Guest JonStatt

Is it just me?

On the M5000, using the Orange WAP service I cannot find any videos to play. For example if I view the top 10 films, I can see a few stillshots from the movie, but not play the trailer.

With my Nokia 6680 right next to it, I can see the WAP Video offerings.

Can anyone else confirm if they can see Orange's video offerings or whether this is something else Orange have screwed up?

Both phones are connecting on the 3G side of the network.


Guest Larnsky
Is it just me?

On the M5000, using the Orange WAP service I cannot find any videos to play. For example if I view the top 10 films, I can see a few stillshots from the movie, but not play the trailer.

With my Nokia 6680 right next to it, I can see the WAP Video offerings.

Can anyone else confirm if they can see Orange's video offerings or whether this is something else Orange have screwed up?

Both phones are connecting on the 3G side of the network.



Yes it is missing, I think Orange base there WAP pages on what phone you have, so i guess they're missing the M5000 in phones capable of viewing videos which is slightly dissapointing, i hope they rectify it soon!

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