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ActiveSync does NOT do all contacts!


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Need some help here please guys! ActiveSync does not sync all my contacts between Outlook 2003 and my M5000.

I've tried starting the Sync from both the PC and the M5000 but it says there are no changes. I have 130 contacts on my PC and only 114 on my M5000. I've tried the three latest official and unofficial builds of ActiveSync including the new official one that came out yesterday. I've tried:

1. Editing the contacts on the PC to see if the M5000 picks up the changes - NO

2. Deleting the offending contact on the PC and creating them again - Finds it on the first sync but not again after

3. Creating the contact on the M5000 - Same as above, finds it on the first sync but not if I edit it later.

Plus, it doesn't sync notes on contacts - Is there any way around this as it's a function I could really really do with!

Is anyone else having similar problems?? Can anyone else Sync their notes?

Most importantly, anyone know how to fix it or get around it as this is a major problem for me as I simply don't trust it now!?!?


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Guest mthomas50

My notes and contacts sync without any issues (at least not that I have noticed)

It may be worth noting that I sync with an Exchange server as well as with a PC but I cant think of anything else I have set up that could be different...

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Guest removed-14
My notes and contacts sync without any issues (at least not that I have noticed)

It may be worth noting that I sync with an Exchange server as well as with a PC  but I cant think of anything else I have set up that could be different...


Nope mine works fine. You might want to try upgrading to active sync 4.1 maybe?

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Right... I've removed and reinstalled Outlook 2003 and ActiveSync 4.1.481 and I've sorted it now! The contacts that did not Sync all had either photos or notes so they wouldn't sync - Don't know if this is normal or not but definitely the case here!

I've now deleted the notes and photos where necessary and everythings syncs nicely now.

Note: I've still got my old SPV C500 here and have found the following:

Contacts with no notes = Syncs on C500 AND M5000

Contacts with notes = Syncs on C500 but NOT M5000

Contacts with photos = Syncs on C500 but NOT M5000

If I make a new contact on my M5000 and add notes it syncs fine with the PC the fisrt time but not after I edit it on the PC.

Easy! :)

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