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ActiveSync 4.0/4.1 and MDA Pro

Guest stanthebiker

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Guest stanthebiker

I recently upgraded from an E200 to an MDA Pro and so moved to ActiveSync 4.0/4.1.

The calendar items do not sync from the Outlook 2000 calendar to the MDA Pro. I can enter an item into the MDA Pro calendar which will then appear in the Outlook calendar but not the other way round.

The E200 works fine, syncing the calendar in both directions.

Contacts and Tasks seem to sync to the MDA Pro from Outlook with no problems at all.

Any ideas?

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Guest stanthebiker
I believe you need to use a later version of Outlook (2002 or 2003) which is why it's provided.


Unfortunately I am in a corporate environment and so have little choice of which version of Outlook to use.

I am sure the E200 was provided with a late version of Outlook too. Yup, just checked it out on one of my home PCs. It came with 2002 but had no problem at all working with older versions.

Maybe I will just have to be a bad boy and install the supplied version, however I will have a test on this home PC to see whether that one syncs both ways.

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Guest Pondrew

I suspect it is the combination of WM5 and Activesync 4.x that requires the later version of Outlook, hence the difference from your older SPV E200. This requirement is stated in the readme of Activesync 4.1...

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Guest stanthebiker
This requirement is stated in the readme of Activesync 4.1...


Can you quote me exactly what is stated? I just read an ActiveSync 4.1 readme here but didn't see any mention of this. It did however state Outlook 2000 was supported.

Thanks in advance.

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Hmmmn guys, I'm in (almost) exactly the same situation as stanthebiker:

- iMate Jasjar (WM5)

- Windows 2000 SP4 (in a corporate environment, and I had to fight to get SP4, as the norm is SP3!)

- Outlook 2000

- Activesync 4.1

I cannot see where there's any requirement to install Outlook 2002/3. Here's a straight copy & paste from the AS4.1 readme:


ActiveSync 4.1 is compatible with the following operating systems and applications:

· Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Service Pack 4

· Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Service Pack 1

· Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 IA64 Edition Service Pack 1

· Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 x64 Edition Service Pack 1

· Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional Service Packs 1 and 2

· Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Service Packs 1 and 2

· Microsoft® Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition 2005

· Microsoft® Windows® XP Media Center Edition 2005

· Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition

· Microsoft® Outlook® 2000 and Microsoft® Outlook® XP, and Microsoft® Outlook® 2003 messaging and collaboration clients

· Microsoft® Office 2000

· Microsoft® Office XP

· Microsoft® Office 2003

· Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6.0 or later (required)

· Microsoft® Systems Management Server 2.0

The emphasis in bold is mine. Whilst the readme does mention the following, you'll note that it's only a recommendation - not a requirement:


1.1 Personal information manager (PIM) installation

If the Microsoft® Outlook® 2002 CD is included with your device, it is recommended that you install it first before installing or upgrading ActiveSync.

I'm having the exact same problem as stan, although I can perhaps add a little info. Upon my first sync using AS4.1 (AS4.0 worked for me, partially, once in about 60 attempts) everything sync'd perfectly except for my appointments. There was an error message that appeared (just the once) that mentioned some issue with "custom forms". Since then, AS4.1 gives appointments a tick when syncing, no error messages, but also no appointments on the Jasjar. Bugger.

I have a feeling the "custom forms" error is the crux of the issue, but cannot find out much that has helped.


Edited by Cods
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Guest Pondrew

My mistake. I was thinking of the recommendation to install the latest version and the troubleshooting section indicating that certain features were only enabled with new versions of Outlook.

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Guest stanthebiker
My mistake. I was thinking of the recommendation to install the latest version and the troubleshooting section indicating that certain features were only enabled with new versions of Outlook.


No worries Pondrew, thanks for clearing up the confusion.

We just have to solve the problem now. :)

I havent been able to try out my Outlook 2002 setup at home yet to ensure that the syncing works correctly on that. Will try to do so tonight.

Cods: Glad to hear someone else is in the boat with me.

Edited by stanthebiker
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Guest stanthebiker

Weirdly, my MDA Pro decided to sync my calendar when I wasnt looking.

Its possible that it did this when I was using my PC out of the office and Outlook was working offline.

My number port has just completed, so I now have to find a permanent solution to this problem to ensure my calendar stays up to date.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Cmcknz77

I've been completely unable to set up Microsoft activesync 4.1 to ASK ME before synchronising any conflicting items. It appears to demand that either your Desktop or the M5000 is always to contain the lead item... It's causing me a bit of an issue with my calendar because if I delete an item in, for example the M5000 when Activesync is set for the PC to contain the master items, when I go to synchronise, the items I've deleted all come back again. Also, even in the case where I know that the settings are incorrect, I cannot change the settings without connecting the two devices and this automatically starts Syncronisation with the existing settings... This is a bit of a pain.

I use my PC (MSOutlook 2003) to enter/edit/delete items into my diary when i'm at it and my M5000 to enter/edit/delete items when I'm on the move... Activesync 3.x which I had installed previously for syncing with the C500 allowed that extra option. 4.1 appears to presume that it's always gonna know best... Does anyone have any ideas as to how to get that option back?

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Guest stanthebiker

Further to my earlier problem, syncing seems to work fine when I am out of the office, using a different XP Hardware Profile than when I am in the office.

However, when I am in the office, my laptop is in a docking station and automatically uses a profile called 'Docked Profile' which is not selectable at bootup like normal profiles.

Any ideas?

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