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SPV M5000 update for MSFP "soon"

Guest chucky.egg

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Guest chucky.egg

I'm not vouching for it's accuracy cos I've only just taken over the account management here, but I just got this back from our account manager:

After speaking to our data team which can be contacted on 07973100328 the updates will be held on our website. Please see link below:


I have been advised that there are no updates for the feature pack as yet but they are expecting it soon.

Edited by chucky.egg
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Guest philtech44
I'm not vouching for it's accuracy cos I've only just taken over the account management here, but I just got this back from our account manager:


Sorry.. its Friday, I'm tired.. MSFP?? please explain

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MSFP = "Microsoft Feature Pack" = one component required for Push Email


I think you mean Messaging and Security Feature Pack:



I can't wait, although my Exchange email hosting supplier is being rather slow installing Exchange Server SP2 (which is needed for push email to work). I hope all this waiting and the inevitable fannying about to install the update on the device is worth it.


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Guest Confucious

O2 were supposed to be having a launch on, I believe the 16/01/06 but due to "technical problems" it has been postponed by 2 weeks.

Or so I gather....

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