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Does the 5600 support 2gb cards?

Guest Cabana

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Guest Cabana

I am getting a new card to use in my camera (mini sd w/ adapter) but would also like to be able to use it in my phone at times. What is the largest I can go? 1gb or 2gb?

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Guest HerpezP

I've seen an HTC Typhoon branded as Dopod (565 I think it's named) with a 2GB miniSD installed and know that also HTC Feeler (Qtek 8020) is supporting 2GB cards, so my best guess would be it works with 2GB miniSD cards.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am getting a new card to use in my camera (mini sd w/ adapter) but would also like to be able to use it in my phone at times. What is the largest I can go? 1gb or 2gb?


I have a 2Gb Sandisk card in my Qtek 8010 (the same phone than stm5600 with another brand) and works fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest imnraged

Sorry if this posts twice. I have a 5600 with a 2GB card in it and it works like a champ. I have 339 mp3s on my phone. There would be more, but I like my mp3 files to be sampled at a higher bitrate.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest 507734

Hi, if it's not too late... I've been successfully using a 2GB Mini SC from Topram on my SP3 iMate for a couple of month now (ebay ~$75 with PC adapter)

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Guest katopunk

jz recieved my Zynet 2GB miniSD card. and the phone works fine with it (can detect the card's capacity and can store files. except, it shows that the storage is only half. i mean 50% of the 2GB. about 900MB is used. I'm wondering why. But the card is formatted clean, no nothing inside.

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Guest Socrates

I just got an 80X 2gb card the other day.

I am having a problem since then though, and I don't know if it's related to the card.

I had a 512 card before and it was too small, but never gave me a problem at all playing music when other programs were running.

Now with the 2GB card all of my songs stutter and slow down whenever I try to run other programs at the same time like mapolis or even just activesync.

Have other people seen this problem with multitasking WMP and other tasks on a 2gb card? What speeds are your cards if you aren't having this issue?

Edited by Socrates
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