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Universal Backlight fades out in CoPilot - help!

Guest shadamehr

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Guest shadamehr

As per title...

On my MDA Pro (Universal), CoPilot Navigation software is unusable, because the screen backlight on my device fades out after a few seconds if I am not moving, or a waypoint pop up appears.

Yet on my Vario (Wizard) with the exact same Backlight and PowerSave settings, CoPilot never ever allowed the backlight to go off while running.

Anyone got any ideas?

ALSO - what the hell is the "backlight" button for on the MDA Pro (the lightbulb symbol button on the front).

The full manual says that it "turns the backlight on and off", but on my device it does absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Please help anyone?

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Guest shadamehr

Aaaargh - this is starting to drive me mad - anyone?

Update too - I found out that the backlight button is not for adjusting timeouts etc, or turning off the backlight when it is on, but it IS for turning ON the backlight, when it has timed out.

So its no help to my existing problem.

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Guest matt1971


I was having this issue everytime I reset my device my backlight and power settings would change.

For me the issue was because I was using Phonealarm - well not an issue I just hadnt set it up correctly in handling the backlight.

So as a start make sure if youre using any profile switching software that the backlight is configured correctly.

I am using Copilot v6 and is working perfectly (Although no speech at the moment - but thats requires a cfg file change)


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Guest shadamehr

I was having this issue everytime I reset my device my backlight and power settings would change.

For me the issue was because I was using Phonealarm - well not an issue I just hadnt set it up correctly in handling the backlight.

So as a start make sure if youre using any profile switching software that the backlight is configured correctly.

I am using Copilot v6 and is working perfectly (Although no speech at the moment - but thats requires a cfg file change)



Hi mate.

Are you saying you have CoPilot 6 working fine, when not using a charger (which would keep the light on anyway), and that the screen is not fading out when not moving etc?

As Copilot had replied to my emails saying they beleive it is a hardware issue with the Universals...


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Guest matt1971


Can confirm my backlight never powers off whilst using Copilot.

My backlight settings are set so that it does not power off at all whether on battery or external power. My power settings are to turn off at 2 mins and never when on external power.

Perhaps you have got a hardware fault.


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Guest shadamehr

Can confirm my backlight never powers off whilst using Copilot.

My backlight settings are set so that it does not power off at all whether on battery or external power. My power settings are to turn off at 2 mins and never when on external power.

Perhaps you have got a hardware fault.



Not hardly... *lol*

It's because BY DESIGN AND INTENTION, I DON'T have my Backlight set to stay ON when on Battery Power.

Clearly, by doing that on yours, the device of course won't backlight fade.

But I don't WANT to have my backlight set to always on, when on battery.

CoPilot, is meant to take care of this while running, as it does on battery on a Vario etc, with Backlight timeout ON on Battery power.

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Guest matt1971


I see where you are coming from...I didnt realise Copilot was meant to control the backlight - as I said mine never turns off other than the unit powering off after two minutes.

Sounds like a WM5 compatibility fault then with Copilot.


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Guest shadamehr

I see where you are coming from...I didnt realise Copilot was meant to control the backlight - as I said mine never turns off other than the unit powering off after two minutes.

Sounds like a WM5 compatibility fault then with Copilot.



'Cept the Vario is WM5 too.

But you have my apologies anyway... cos I could have SWORN when I read your post, it implied you had your screen set to never go off, even on Battery, and I realise now that's not what you said... oops.

So I wonder why mine doesn't work with a 2 min timeout either...

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Guest Confucious

OK - sorry for the delay in replying. Didn't get round to confirming until yesterday.

Normally I plug my phone in to charge when I'm not charging the receiver but yesterday I didn't. Backlight stayed on for at least 30 mins while using CoPilot 6 on my XDA Exec - set to go off after 5 mins on battery so CoPilot must be overriding it.

Don't know why it doesn't on yours Shad - have you tried asking ALK? Their support is quite good in my experience.

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Guest shadamehr
OK - sorry for the delay in replying. Didn't get round to confirming until yesterday.

Normally I plug my phone in to charge when I'm not charging the receiver but yesterday I didn't. Backlight stayed on for at least 30 mins while using CoPilot 6 on my XDA Exec - set to go off after 5 mins on battery so CoPilot must be overriding it.

Don't know why it doesn't on yours Shad - have you tried asking ALK? Their support is quite good in my experience.

Yeah, as per my posts above - and the reply I got back was it must be a limitation of the Universal.

Clearly not, given your experiences.

And it's still doing it, as on my Easter jaunt around the Highlands of Scotland, I left the charger unplugged so my son could charge his Nokia.

And every now and again, in a random time, in that it did not marry up with my own battery time out settings, the screen backlight would go off, and I would need to press the direction key to turn volume (Co-Pilot volume key, not the side ones) up, and then back down, to re-illuminate the screen.

In the end, I just gave up, and stopped charging his phone, and plugged my charger in.


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Guest Confucious


I put the new O2 Exec ROM on during the week and used CoPilot today and guess what? Yup, you got it, backlight kept going out. Which ROM are you using Shad?

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Guest shadamehr

I put the new O2 Exec ROM on during the week and used CoPilot today and guess what? Yup, you got it, backlight kept going out. Which ROM are you using Shad?

The most recent T-Mobile ROM - that is, NOT the AKU2 ROM, as they don't have one yet, BUT, the one released since the actual ship ROM.

So maybe its a ROM issue - clearly it is, if you had a ROM on your Universal where this didn't happen, and now with another ROM, it is...

Cheers for the heads up mate!

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Guest Confucious

It's not necessarily a ROM issue - the other possibility is that I changed a setting on my old ROM which I haven't changed on this one, unlikely, but possible. I'll have a play.

If you got your CoPilot with your phone from T I would complain to T as it is unfit for purpose - they probably won't be able to help but might be able to exert some pressure on ALK to fix it.

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