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'Sniper!' Testing Places Full! Completely Full So Dont Even Ask!

Guest greenturtle

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Guest iforevans
I have a small niggle if the recipeints do not respond as apap the program hangs my wifes phone accepted the file I sent her but as it was ignored as they often maybe sniper just sat waiting and waiting for a responce in the end I killed sniper via task manager and ignored the fact I sent a message however two hours later my wife checks her phone and the message is there asking her if she wants to save it she clicked yes and the meassage was in tact

so do you think it may be possible to shut off the connection when the message is sent rather than waiting fo a responce for the recievers phone??

Hi, let me make sure I am understanding you. You sent a msg to your wife, whe didn't press accept (Sniper was active on her phone too) and your phone hangs?

If this is true, maybe a timeout would be in order, if no-one accepts withinn say 10 seconds Sniper will stop trying to send?


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Guest conan_troutman

actually sniper wasn't running on her phone wich brings me to next suggestion

if you ever get that hide feature to work i would like sniper to laod at boot up in hidden mode

as sniper wasnt running the standar bluetooth manager accepted the files as they do into some kind of temp until she answered the accept deny qestion

so yes a time out feature may be good but would recomend more than ten second I have sent files to some phones that have takjen nearly 2 minutes to cross load

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Guest iforevans
actually sniper wasn't running on her phone wich brings me to next suggestion

if you ever get that hide feature to work i would like sniper to laod at boot up in hidden mode

as sniper wasnt running the standar bluetooth manager accepted the files as they do into some kind of temp until she answered the accept deny qestion

so yes a time out feature may be good but would recomend more than ten second I have sent files to some phones that have takjen nearly 2 minutes to cross load

Ok, let me investigate. I may get to it today or it may be tommorow. I'm working on improving the BlueJacking so it works more the way suggested by leethacker and can also send files.



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Guest conan_troutman

coolnot a problem just could give you an headache with paying customers later thats why i thought i would mention it.

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Guest iforevans
coolnot a problem just could give you an headache with paying customers later thats why i thought i would mention it.

Its ALWAYS worth mentioning mate! That's what will make Sniper a great product when it gets released. Every bug you guys find and report now is probably 10 less unhappy customers at some point ;-)

That's the point of this whole Beta testing malarky, aside from giving you guys the chance to keep asking for new features ;-) that is!


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Guest iforevans
coolnot a problem just could give you an headache with paying customers later thats why i thought i would mention it.

One other question, you said Sniper wasn't running on your wifes phone? But she had "receive beams" checked then in "Beam"?


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Guest conan_troutman

actually thats a good point i disabled that feature so as to allow sniper to take control let me check whats happening there

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Guest iforevans
actually thats a good point i disabled that feature so as to allow sniper to take control let me check whats happening there

Its the same, I've reproduced it here. Definitely have to put in some way of cancelig a send that is not responded to.

BTW on the topic of making Sniper look pretty, check this out as a preview :-).

I'm working with an *incredible* graphic artist to make you happy ...



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Guest conan_troutman

ok first off the wife swtched beems back on as she thought she could recieve stuff from her friends at work with out it she did explain to them she had a beta program to use so they told her to

when sniper runs on the ecievers phone the message is accepted and you get the succesful sent message even if the reciever hasnt accepted it

if they dont have sniper then sniper on the senders phone hangs until they accept it even waiting till the accept is pressed (tested by waiting 3 minutes till accepted) once pressed the sent message success screen is instantly poped up

now with out beams switched on and with out sniper running having bluetooth set to discoverable is kind of pointless you can not recieve any incoming beams on the devices

hence it is now more important to have sniper auto start at boot up in hidden mode then hide again when not in use

how ever if the

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Guest conan_troutman

damn ifor that looks awesome now imagine when scanning a gif of the sights moving round the screen too

and the sound of a bolt action rifle being cocked when message is recieved and he sound of a shot fire when sent

ok maybe a lil OTT but hey thats me

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Guest iforevans
damn ifor that looks awesome now imagine when scanning a gif of the sights moving round the screen too

and the sound of a bolt action rifle being cocked when message is recieved and he sound of a shot fire when sent

ok maybe a lil OTT but hey thats me

The Icon which you can't see is equally pretty.

Finally Sniper is starting to look as good as it is! ... he says modestly ;-)


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Guest conan_troutman

did you get my prevoius post about autostarting sniper as to combat the not being able to recieve problem

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Guest iforevans
did you get my prevoius post about autostarting sniper as to combat the not being able to recieve problem

The problem is the same though, even if Sniper is running and the user doesn't acknowledge, the Sender will be left hanging. I think the solution is to have the sender either time out or put a cancel option there.



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Guest jameshpg
Its the same, I've reproduced it here. Definitely have to put in some way of cancelig a send that is not responded to.

BTW on the topic of making Sniper look pretty, check this out as a preview :-).

I'm working with an *incredible* graphic artist to make you happy ...


WOAH!!! ABSOLUTELY LOVING THAT NEW DESIGN!!! Guess someone owes you a favour in the graphic design field :)

Just a side note, do you/anyone have the Java Bluetooth API (JSR-82)?



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Guest conan_troutman
The problem is the same though, even if Sniper is running and the user doesn't acknowledge, the Sender will be left hanging. I think the solution is to have the sender either time out or put a cancel option there.



ok i am a lil confused as I only get the hanging if the recipient is NOT using sniper

if they are using it my sniper doesnt hang it reports a successful send even if the do not answer the accept notice

my main problem is if sniper is not running and beams is switched off so as to allow sniper to take control of incoming beams then the sender gets a send error and i dont get the item they were sending

now when beems is switched on i get every thing that is beamed to me.

but beams is off so i have to manually tun on sniper every day then when i use oxios close apps i have to remeber to go back and open sniper again to ensure people can send me stuff.

if it autostarted with windows in a hidden mode i could just forget about it then open it to send files and messages then hide it again and forget about it secure in the knowledge i will not miss any incoming beams

also would it be possible to have an option to auto accept aswell???

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Guest conan_troutman

i think i may have solved the whole hidden issue....when i look in task manager sniper is running twice task manager views the inbox first page as one program and the scan and send as a second program

you only need to hide the first and retrive it when needed to open the second if that makes sense

but your the programer Im jsut an ideas man

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Guest iforevans
ok i am a lil confused as I only get the hanging if the recipient is NOT using sniper

if they are using it my sniper doesnt hang it reports a successful send even if the do not answer the accept notice

my main problem is if sniper is not running and beams is switched off so as to allow sniper to take control of incoming beams then the sender gets a send error and i dont get the item they were sending

now when beems is switched on i get every thing that is beamed to me.

but beams is off so i have to manually tun on sniper every day then when i use oxios close apps i have to remeber to go back and open sniper again to ensure people can send me stuff.

if it autostarted with windows in a hidden mode i could just forget about it then open it to send files and messages then hide it again and forget about it secure in the knowledge i will not miss any incoming beams

also would it be possible to have an option to auto accept aswell???

Oops, I just checked Sniper-to-Sniper ... you're right, no hanging. Still we need the cancel/timeout. What if your sending/blujacking to phones that CAN'T run Sniper? i.e Nokias.


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Guest iforevans
i think i may have solved the whole hidden issue....when i look in task manager sniper is running twice task manager views the inbox first page as one program and the scan and send as a second program

you only need to hide the first and retrive it when needed to open the second if that makes sense

but your the programer Im jsut an ideas man

Nah, Sniper is not running twice ;-)

The Compact Framework treats each form in an app seperately. This means they show up seperately in the Task Manager. Nothing I can do about that. It's still one program, running once tho'

I will investigate the hiding issue, don't worry :-)


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Guest conan_troutman

agreed but we also need the autostart and hidden feature or a toggle button like bluey that switches sniper on off but keeps it hidden until you use the lnk to call apon it.

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Guest iforevans
sorry to leave you guys but dr who is on

Understood. Don't tell me what's happening, we're behind over in the States ;-)

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Guest conan_troutman

I just created a short cut to sniper in windows/start up and that does the trick for me

smartfilter autoflight and photocontacts all start from there on my staorage card but all start in some kind of hidden mode (task manager can not view it)

the advantage of this hidden mode is I have oxios close apps which sends a kill all to all running applettes every few hours but it doesnt kill any of them listed above it does how ever kill sniper

so aoutostarting isnt a problem you just have a link added to \Windows\Start up as part of the install

its the hide and recall and hide agian that needs addressing

but i have taken a look at the start up manager and I dont see the benefits over what i do am I missing something?

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Guest leethacker
so aoutostarting isnt a problem you just have a link added to \Windows\Start up as part of the install
What really? Even if the app is installed on storage card? So I just have to put links in there and windows will start all of them automaticly?

About Beta testing ... currently I wait for the next version of Sniper with improved Bluejacking mode to arrive ...

Edited by leethacker
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Guest rowmiyo
Hmm .. ok, let me look into the truncation issue some more. BTW Does it happen no matter what message you type and send from the nokia? Does the issue work if you send to the E200 from another device?

The issue with your BlueTooth status not changing is one I am looking into. It's because Sniper checks your BlueTooth status only at startup, so if some other program changes it Sniper will not notice. It *should* notice if it changes the status itself though ;-)



Yeah, any message is truncated. I haven't tried it with other nokia models, i'll try to find/borrow some nokia models and see if it'll work. I'll post the results as soon as I find some....

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