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Sending Email (Orange)

Guest youngerpants

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Guest youngerpants

Hi All,

I have a minor issue with my M5000 concerning sending email.

I have a standard POP3 account set up, using smtp.orange.net to send. I have no problem receiving emails, but I get a few different errors when I try to send; If I send using my home wireless connection, I get a System Administrator bounce back saying that the email I'm sending to isnt valid (it is), if I send either over 3g or 2g, I've tested both, I get "messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then try to download messages again."

Curious, as though smtp.orange.net doesnt recognise me.

If it makes any difference, my connection setting is as follows (although its not working through wifi either)

Name: Orange WAP GPRS

Modem: Cellular line (GPRS, 3G)

AP Name: orangewap

Server Assigned IP/ DNS

WAP Proxy: (the bloke at orange told me to put this in)

Mailbox settings as you'd expect, automatically connects to "The Internet"

Any help would be appreciated

And it feels wierd to be posting here again :)

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