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CityTime Alarms Beta 2.0

Guest kennyg

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OK, he reinstalled the app and didn't get any errors right away. He noticed a few hours later that dialing a number was hanging, so he rebooted and then gets the following error (the error happens during boot up):

(notification error is the title)

Cannot execute \Program Files\codeCity\Citytime Alarms\CityAlarm.exe

The app is on his phone since he doesn't have a memory card yet.

I've installed it on a friends 3125, and while he had some problems and unintalled it, I re-installed and can't reproduce it of course. I will continue to run it and see if I can come up with a definate issue.

On the other hand I had a friend from Microsoft contact me and let me know there is a problem they are seeing with apps that are not application signed. There is a timing issue with the notification system trying to start applications before the trust service is running. It might just be because this version is unsigned, which I am taking care of now.

I will hand out more info as it becomes available.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest chaznet

FYI -- just got a T-Mobile Dash and am getting this same error every time I reboot. The alarms seem to work though...? Is this just something to ignore for now that'll go away with the next version, or should I be setting alarms on the old alarm clock (if I can remember how :rolleyes: ) ..?

I've installed it on a friends 3125, and while he had some problems and unintalled it, I re-installed and can't reproduce it of course. I will continue to run it and see if I can come up with a definate issue.

On the other hand I had a friend from Microsoft contact me and let me know there is a problem they are seeing with apps that are not application signed. There is a timing issue with the notification system trying to start applications before the trust service is running. It might just be because this version is unsigned, which I am taking care of now.

I will hand out more info as it becomes available.



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Guest conan_troutman

well just to put a smile on yur face Kenny

been using the beta since you first posted it (all those months back) on my qtek 8310 installed it to SD card and although I dont get the alarms profile ( subtle annoying and so forth) I have not had any running problems or any errror messages yet. So great work so far cant wait to see whats next on this when you get chance

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FYI -- just got a T-Mobile Dash and am getting this same error every time I reboot. The alarms seem to work though...? Is this just something to ignore for now that'll go away with the next version, or should I be setting alarms on the old alarm clock (if I can remember how :rolleyes: ) ..?

I've been told by a friend at Microsoft that the errors are occuring because the code is unsigned and there is a bug in the new version of the OS where the code that checks for signed EXEs isn't ready at start up and thus unsigned appications fail to start. I'm working now to get my signing credenials up to date, just waiting for GeoTrust.

I should have the final release next neek assuming GeoTrust grants my credentails.


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Guest chaznet

For now, does that mean running the program after the device is fully booted will put in place whatever isn't loading at startup?

On another note -- PLEASE consider making that example landscape screen at the beginning of this thread the standard for Q's 'n Dashes -- it looks great, much better than the alarm-only display with the current beta -- I find the smartphone versions of the screens more useful with split time/alarm.

I've been told by a friend at Microsoft that the errors are occuring because the code is unsigned and there is a bug in the new version of the OS where the code that checks for signed EXEs isn't ready at start up and thus unsigned appications fail to start. I'm working now to get my signing credenials up to date, just waiting for GeoTrust.

I should have the final release next neek assuming GeoTrust grants my credentails.


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Guest wotznew

Hi Kenny

Running CTA v2 Beta 5 on Moto Q

I'm a very heavy sleeper, shift work!, so I need different sounding alarms to get me moving in the morning.

I set different alarms in case I dismiss 1 and don't get up.

My problem is that if I don't dismiss the first alarm then It rings a few times and then waits for me to either dismiss it or snooze, even in obnoxious mode. If I don't do either then it sits silently until I dismiss it then the other alarms all start going at the same time.

I think what is needed is for other alarms to be able to start even if the first hasn't been dismissed.

I actually love the Idea of all the alarms going off at the same time, It certainly becomes obnoxious enough to wake me.

keep up the great work

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Guest conan_troutman

well I dont think Kenny has anything to worry about as i tried it and its crap really really crap sorry to those who made and those who like it but it is long live city time alarms king of smartphone alarms.

I',m getting all theatrical now panto season is apon us hahaha

its behind you!

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:) ...just dusting off the cobwebs... :D

While we're waiting, there's a new beta in town: http://www.burroak.on.ca/pta.html

I've just posted a new version! Sorry for the delay, I was busy with another project and testing with issues I've been trying to re-produce take a long time.



I got my signing credentials, but as it turns out it doesn't seem to matter as Cingular and T-Mobile don't accept Microsofts Mobile to Market certificate. I think I have fixed all the problems except the occational "Notification Error" on power on, this however, doesn't seem to effect CityTime Alarms functionality.

Also, some graphics are updated, Personallities work and are saved and are different, they are essentailly there to define how long and how often to repeat the sound.

Please let me know if you have errors at anytime, especially you folks with the newest phones.

Thanks, sorry for all the delays.


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Guest chaznet

I agree, CityTime Alarms is currently the best alarm program for the Smartphone. I don't think pTravelAlarm is 'really really crap' though. Sometimes 'less-is-more' and it's easy to use with just a few simple configuration settings. For someone who just want's the phone to wake them up, it's a great solution. Interestingly, it has the same boot-up error on my Dash as CityTime...

well I dont think Kenny has anything to worry about as i tried it and its crap really really crap sorry to those who made and those who like it but it is long live city time alarms king of smartphone alarms.

I',m getting all theatrical now panto season is apon us hahaha

its behind you!

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Guest conan_troutman

Chaz I quite agree with you but A, I'm british we always go over the top thats why we play better bad guys in the movies and C, I did say it was panto season hence the OTT from me

now I bet your wondering what happened to B arent you well let me tell you this there are two rules to being a superstar like me

1, is always leave your audience wanting more...

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Guest chaznet

Just took a look, and yes, that annoying bootup error is there. Sometimes, pressing 'ok' once clears it, other times it takes several 'ok' presses -- and other times I have to take the battery out to reboot as it just won't clear.

Couple of wishes:

--Having the main display show the current time and the alarm time, currently you have to switch screens

to see the time

--Countdown timers that start counting up after they complete

I've just posted a new version! Sorry for the delay, I was busy with another project and testing with issues I've been trying to re-produce take a long time.



I got my signing credentials, but as it turns out it doesn't seem to matter as Cingular and T-Mobile don't accept Microsofts Mobile to Market certificate. I think I have fixed all the problems except the occational "Notification Error" on power on, this however, doesn't seem to effect CityTime Alarms functionality.

Also, some graphics are updated, Personallities work and are saved and are different, they are essentailly there to define how long and how often to repeat the sound.

Please let me know if you have errors at anytime, especially you folks with the newest phones.

Thanks, sorry for all the delays.


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Guest conan_troutman

after a bit of playing i have noticed a major problem the dismiss button does not work although snooze does using a qtek 8310

also the profiles subtle and persistent still can't see any difference between them.

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Guest rogueqd

I'll test for a bit longer before I say there's no problems, but after testing a few alarms everything seems ok so far on my i-mate SP5. Although I couldn't see any difference in the profiles either, they are both what I would call persistant.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest teladog01
after a bit of playing i have noticed a major problem the dismiss button does not work although snooze does

I just wanted to report that I am experiencing the same problem with the dismiss button not working on my Cingular 2125. The last beta did not have this issue.

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Guest lzhong68
I've just posted a new version! Sorry for the delay, I was busy with another project and testing with issues I've been trying to re-produce take a long time.



I got my signing credentials, but as it turns out it doesn't seem to matter as Cingular and T-Mobile don't accept Microsofts Mobile to Market certificate. I think I have fixed all the problems except the occational "Notification Error" on power on, this however, doesn't seem to effect CityTime Alarms functionality.

Also, some graphics are updated, Personallities work and are saved and are different, they are essentailly there to define how long and how often to repeat the sound.

Please let me know if you have errors at anytime, especially you folks with the newest phones.

Thanks, sorry for all the delays.


It noly for WM5! don't install at my SPV500(WM2003SE)!

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It noly for WM5! don't install at my SPV500(WM2003SE)!

A new version has now been posted, it currently just supports Windows Mobile 5 Smartphones but a new one will be posted soon that supports 2003.

New features:

- Show in Calendar.

- New Layout for Landscape devices.

- All know bugs fixed, including startup error. Note that this is a WM5 problem and the work around is to not capture time changed and timezone changed events so if you change either of those you may have to start CityTime Alarms yourself if there are major changes to the time.

Happy Holidays,


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Guest conan_troutman

great chrissy pressy....now i got two things to look forward to...I know its so sad that I get pleasure from new releases with new features but thats the gadget freak in me

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Guest chaznet

Santa has come through :D

"the work around is to not capture time changed and timezone changed events so if you change either of those you may have to start CityTime Alarms yourself if there are major changes to the time" :)

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Santa has come through :D

"the work around is to not capture time changed and timezone changed events so if you change either of those you may have to start CityTime Alarms yourself if there are major changes to the time" :)

Sorry for the confusion, CityTime Alarms registers with Windows Mobile to receive notifications when the time or time zone change. This is so that if the time changes we can verify the correct alarm to sound (for example, if you change the date for some reason). The reason being that alarms are set based on a time and DATE, so if the date changes, so can the alarm.

In most cases this won't effect the functioning of the application.


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Guest chaznet

Have installed the new version, some stuff I've run into:

I'm still getting the bootup error on my T-Mobile Dash. This was after the initial install of the new version on a freshly hard-reset device, so there are no remnants of earlier CityTime Alarms versions. For what it's worth, the beta version of a new alarm clock program pTravel Alarm, has the same issue upon bootup; another program, Gentimer, does not -- whatever method Gentimer is using seems more agreeable with WM5.

Love the 'show in calendar' feature. The only problem is that it shows disabled alarms. Additionally, if I delete an alarm completely, the calendar entry created by CityTime remains. To be useful, I'd want to see just the active alarms in my calendar (thus on my homescreen). Nice to see the start of a >>>great:D

Thanks for putting the time on the landscape display, very useful to have it there. Aesthetically, a separation between the time and lower display area would be nice, like the way you have it in the regular (portrait) display.

A new version has now been posted, it currently just supports Windows Mobile 5 Smartphones but a new one will be posted soon that supports 2003.

New features:

- Show in Calendar.

- New Layout for Landscape devices.

- All know bugs fixed, including startup error. Note that this is a WM5 problem and the work around is to not capture time changed and timezone changed events so if you change either of those you may have to start CityTime Alarms yourself if there are major changes to the time.

Happy Holidays,


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Guest chaznet

Hmmm... sure would be nice if you could make it an option to just set alarms by time. ie: when active, this alarm rings at 7am whatever the day, date, or timezone, and keep ringing untill I shut it off. Like a regular old alarm clock. When the alarm is active, it's on -- independant of all that other stuff. Something I've long wished was an option in an alarm clock program, but not in any of them. Being as no alarm clock program out there works this way, I must be a minority of 1...

Sorry for the confusion, CityTime Alarms registers with Windows Mobile to receive notifications when the time or time zone change. This is so that if the time changes we can verify the correct alarm to sound (for example, if you change the date for some reason). The reason being that alarms are set based on a time and DATE, so if the date changes, so can the alarm.

In most cases this won't effect the functioning of the application.


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Guest conan_troutman

I would like to know if it is possible to have the option to add to calendar put in the alarm set up menu that way you can select which alarms to show and which to not....I must say though i do NOT have the problem with disabled alarms showing in the calendar though I am using a QTEK 8310... have not tried it on the wifes MPX 220 but beta 5 works fine beta 6 however fialed on both devices

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Guest conan_troutman

After playing a bit more i have found i actually like the way you have it deal with alarms being entered into the calendar...as I see it and please correct me if I am wrong...it seems it places only one alarms in the calendar and that is the one next to be "sounded" for want of a better word, but as for the dismissed alarms not being removed from the calendar that only occurs if there is no new alarm for there to be put intothe calendar...I agree it would be nice if this last alarm was removeable from the calendar after dismissal even if there is not a new alarm, but due to the way it works doesn't exactly sap your resources does it....great work fella

my only gripe is I cant get my head round the menu set up for alarm view and alarms (List) view I would find them much more intuetive the opposite way round

I would like to see the disable and enable left soft key option in the list view and the new left soft option in the alarm view, I would even pay a little extra to have this. (I do Hope bribery works lol)

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