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Screen cracked

Guest katiea

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Guest katiea

I've only had my T-Mobile MDA Vario TEN DAYS and the screen is already cracked. I took it back to the shop and they said "oh, I must have bumped it when it was in my pocket, had I been using the case?" Er, no, because you can't answer the phone in time if it's in the case... "Have you got the warranty?" No, because it's about 10 times more expensive than using home & contents insurance. But why should I claim on that if their phone is faulty?

Just wondering if anyone else has had this, and if they have had success claiming it's a manufacturing fault? Am I best going back to T-mobile or going to HTC themselves? It's not like I dropped a brick on it or anything!

I did put a screen protector on it (though I've taken it off now - wasn't sure if it was the screen protector or the screen that was cracked), which involves slightly higher pressure than normal use, but they do give you a screen protector to put on so presumably they think it's OK to do that! And anyway, it wasn't till a few days after that that the screen cracked.


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Guest marcwic
I've only had my T-Mobile MDA Vario TEN DAYS and the screen is already cracked. I took it back to the shop and they said "oh, I must have bumped it when it was in my pocket, had I been using the case?" Er, no, because you can't answer the phone in time if it's in the case... "Have you got the warranty?" No, because it's about 10 times more expensive than using home & contents insurance. But why should I claim on that if their phone is faulty?

Just wondering if anyone else has had this, and if they have had success claiming it's a manufacturing fault? Am I best going back to T-mobile or going to HTC themselves? It's not like I dropped a brick on it or anything!

I did put a screen protector on it (though I've taken it off now - wasn't sure if it was the screen protector or the screen that was cracked), which involves slightly higher pressure than normal use, but they do give you a screen protector to put on so presumably they think it's OK to do that! And anyway, it wasn't till a few days after that that the screen cracked.


did you crack it when tapping it? or did you just take it out of your pocket and notice it?

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Guest katiea
did you crack it when tapping it? or did you just take it out of your pocket and notice it?

I actually noticed when I was charging it up - I think it started a few days earlier but got

bigger as initially I thought it was a fold in the screen protector. I certainly didn't see it crack.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest stunno

I cracked mine the other night when I was calibrating the screen after installing the new tmobile rom!

I know I'm ham fisted at times but I only tapped the screen on the cross in the bottom left hand corner, nothing happened so I tapped a bit harder and bingo! BIG crack across the bottom corner :)

Took it to the local tmobile shop today and explained what had happened and the girl said 'Oh it looks like a pressure crack' :)

They've sent it away but say that tmobile will probably not fix it as it is not a fault with the phone, although it seems to be one to me!

Anyone know how much HTC would charge to fix it when tmobile send it back?

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Guest fluffcat1
Anyone know how much HTC would charge to fix it when tmobile send it back?

HTC et al will only change the entire LCM i.e the LCD and the touchscreen as one unit so it will be expensive.

You can get a quote online using your seriel number at http://service.htceurope.com/

Otherwise the digitiser is available as a spare from taiwanese sellers via ebay for about

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Guest Laser_iCE

"Say crack one more time..."

As for on topic, that would really suck ... One of the main reasons why I don't use a screen protector, only because I think the extra pressure I would end up using would make me feel like I"m about to poke through it... Maybe I wouldn't need to be pressing that hard, but it would make me feel like I need to.

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