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Dissapearing Storage Card

Guest snoopstar

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Guest snoopstar

Hi all.

I bought my Vario from T-Mobile with Co-Pilot which came on a 256mb mini-sd card. I then bought a 2GB Mini-sd card to swap into the phone for storage. This card worked for a short while - 1 day then stopped showing in file explorer etc. It also wouldnt show when using a card adapter on the pc whereas it had been working. I sent it back to where I bought it from and received a replacement. This card then did the same, worked fine for a day on both pc and in the phone then stopped being found by both. Could my phone be zapping the cards? I've just retried the original 256mb card and that is failing now too.

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Guest hotphil

Where were the cards last formatted? It'll be worth trying reformatting them in the phone if they were formatted last on a PC or vice versa.

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Guest snoopstar

I tried to look at that but the card wont show anywhere on the phone or the pc. They havent been formated by me anywhere, one was already with co-pilot on and the other 2 preformatted ( worked initially ). The today screen shows no card installed on the phone. File explorer just shows device now, not the storage card as it did before. When I put them in the usb card reader and open my computer, the pc just hangs there, not opening the 'removable disc'.

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Guest andysalmon

Exactly the same has happened to me. Firstly the memory cards will work...for a time using their preformat RAW (how they show on the computer before formatting. Different people tell you different things but I formated mine to FAT on the computer and it worked okay after that. Incidentally mine is a Kingston brand card. A LOT of people seem to be having problems with this brand.

I also recommend a reflash to the latest ROM. I did mine last night. WELL worth it.

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Guest snoopstar

Cheers Andy,

I did exactly that, reformatted as FAT (it was already) and upgraded to the new T-Mobile Rom. All is good now. The card is working - so far !!! The phone also feels a bit quicker. Cheers.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest jim.mason


New card is a sandisk 2GB and everything is fine. The fit is great, the phone and the laptop both see it so the old card must have been a duffa!

Same here, just spent the last 2 1/2 hrs installing everything to the card (Datawrite 2GB) and getting my WAD setup just how I like it.

Did a soft reset and bingo.... the buggar had disappeared :) . Also noticed that the fit in the slot was rubbish, the slightest knock and it would pop out, shame it doesn't fit as well as the blank that came with th e phone ;) .

Tried in my laptop with the adaptor but wasn't recognised on that either so gonna get myself a refund a try another brand.

Will post an update on the next one.



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Guest andysalmon

I don't think it's the cards fault. The previous ROM had issues with 2 or 3 brands of card that's all. The new ROM fixed my problem instantly. If you are going to the trouble of changing your card and programs, apps etc you may as well reflash. I think it will sort your problem out.

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Guest Laser_iCE

My SanDisk card has no issues whatsoever with physical aspects (not fitting properly) or the software side of thing (not being detected). Mine is only 1GB, but I don't think that would really make that much of a difference :) I got mine from ebay, too.

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Guest jm012a9749

had a problem with my tornado where by the storage card would randomly disappear, however it rematerialised after a soft reset. bought mine off www.techfever.com if my memory serves me right (no pun intended :)) how many write/erase cycles can flash memory go through before buggering?


EDIT: its actually http://www.techfever.co.uk/

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